論点整理と今後の課題(教育政策形成プロセスの変容と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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Regardless of the regime change, the policy continuity is maintained. For example, as a policy with continuity, we point out the "decentralization" in the first place which is associated with the autonomy of the local authority and its expansion. In educational policy areas, as the basic plan for promotion of education of local governments consists of security measures to ensure accountability, so local governments are obligated to inflict effort to develop the basic plan at the local level. They have already established or are planning to establish this in many municipalities. However, there is no evidence that these plans are fully functioning as a development standard of educational policy or the maintenance and improvement measure of education. In some municipalities, therefore, a new issue also has arisen such as intervention of heads of local governments to the development process of the basic plan for promotion of education by the local regulation. In addition, based on the economic and fiscal structural reform guidelines of administration under the previous regime, National Universities were reorganized into the National University Corporations. They are approaching the area where the second mid-term goals and medium-term plan has also past the halfway point now. But verification on some points has still not sufficiently been made to determine whether there was influence by the transformation of higher education policy due to the change of government during this time. It is believed that regime change can exert a considerable influence on education policy itself, and to define the quality and level of education of service thereafter. Upon the change of government, it is important to investigate what transformation has occurred in educational policy formation process, how educational sector maintained and adjusted policy environment of essential (= continuity) to educational sector stability, continuity, and neutrality. In recent years, a kind of national strategy has been adopted and formulated as a pioneer basic policy to budgeting, and broken down into the individual policy as a guide. Then, as seen in a pre-school education policy, a centralized policy has been promoted by cooperation with adjacent policy areas. National Strategy Office is provided in the Democratic Party regime, and a basic policy such as pre-school education was taken over, so it is also noticing that there is continuity during policy formation process. It is also considered to be an important issue to verify that what regime change effected this structure by elucidating the structure of the policy-making process rooted in such "comprehensiveness". I think that it is important to consider each issue seriously when the regime change has begun to take root. In addition, it can be said also to be a great opportunity to consider how to promote smooth policy coordination during regime change. In view of the above, the Editorial Board of the annual report the Japan Educational Administration Society asked four members to write about the following four phases. Those are i) educational policy formation and implementation of local government, ii) higher education policy and incorporation of national universities, iii) regime change and transformation of education policy formation process, and iv) the national strategy and adjacent policy area. We focused on the above four themes, and attempted to research their relationship with educational administration and the transformation of educational policy formation process.
- 2013-10-11
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