地方自治体の教育政策形成・実現と教育振興基本計画(教育政策形成プロセスの変容と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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The basic plan for promotion of education is the medium-to long-term guidelines for the national and local educational policy and administration. Based on the above, we focus on i) the relationship between the basic plan for promotion of education of national and local government, ii) using Osaka Prefecture as an example, to determine whether they had really any effect on the educational administration policy. According to the results of the examination of the survey data on the basic plan for the promotion of education, we discovered that there were similar items between the national basic plan and the local level ones. In addition, we have also found that the aim of the basic plan which presented clear educational goals and effective recognition of the education reforms has been achieved to some extent. Therefore, it was inferred that the basic plan of the national revel was transferred to the basic plan of local governments, and considerably influenced educational policy-formation at the local level. But there are no specific numerical targets in the national basic plan, so has not become eligible to receive funds from the educational budget. In addition, we found that the spirit of the national basic plan was not fully utilized in order to maintain and improve the standard of education. In the second half, in order to examine the influence, the development and status of the basic plan in local government, we carried out research based on the Osaka-based polite hearing. For Osaka, the development entity of the basic plan was in conjunction with the governor departments, so we found that there were some guideline benefits that resolved educational issues specific to the city, such as integrated provision for high school restructuring, public and private cooperation, protection of juvenile services. In other municipalities of Osaka Prefecture, the development rate of the basic plan had remained at low levels on the whole. However, in the municipality which has already developed it, we have discovered various cases. For example, the construction of PDCA cycle embodied by the development of "annual educational administration policy", being positioning as part of the comprehensive plan, and formulating the basic education plan ahead of the basic plan of Osaka Prefecture. There are circumstances in each individual municipality within the Prefecture, so each local government must respond accordingly to the individual circumstances. The following two points are summarize the investigation. Those are i) the effect of strengthening authority of heads of local governments do not extend up to the municipality, ii) basic plan of Osaka Prefecture has not affected most of the contents of the basic plan of the municipality.
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