- 論文の詳細を見る
The main purpose of this study is to reflect upon the teaching of geometry from a viewpoint of visualization. If the meanings and the roles of visualization in the teaching of geometry would be recognized, then the characteristics of the teaching of geometry in elementary mathematics are also to be clarified. There have been many researchers who investigated the characteristics of visual recognition on the concept of geometry: Pimm, Bishop, van Hiele, Hoffer, Triadafillidis, Vinner, Fischbein and so on. But their works were restricted within narrow specific regions that were to regard the visual recognition as an initial stage in the developmental process of the concept of geometry or as a nuisance in the teaching of geometry. I insist on the need to recognize the important roles of visual recognition and to make the best use of it positively. From reference to the researches about visualization, the functions of visualization in the teaching of geometry can be prescribed as follows. Functions of Visualization ◎Visual Interpreting Function: Understanding, reading and interpreting the visual representations and spatial vocabulary used in geometrical works, graphs, diagrams of all types. (It also involves meanings of figural representation) ◎Visual Processing Function: Visualizing and translating abstract relationships and nonfigural information into visual terms. It also includes the manipulation and transformation of visual representation and visual imagery. ○Translating Function ・translation between different types of representations ・dimensional change from 3D to 2D, from 2D to 3D and so on ○Mental manipulating Function ・transformation (geometrical transformations) ・figural change (partition and composition) A keen interest has been shown only into the visual interpreting function because of the progress of information processing researches about a way of looking at figures and developmental process of the concept of geometry. But the visual processing function has not so interested in. Therefore I investigated the characteristics of the visual processing function both in problem solving situation and in reasoning process. In problem solving situation, the translating function from linguistic representation to figural representation and the mental manipulating function were recognized. For example in "rectangle problem", mental manipulation of partial figure fills crucial role. From the result of questionnaire I identified the weakness of visual strategies and the necessity of visualization in problem solving situation. In reasoning process, there exist three types of cognitive stages: a purely configural stage (visualization), a natural discursive stage, and a theoretical discursive stage. Visualization embodies an initial stage of reasoning process that is independent from other stages and indispensable for next discursive stages. Therefore it cannot to be lacked in reasoning process. What is significant on the teaching of geometry in elementary mathematics from a viewpoint of visualization is to become conscious of the mental manipulating function which would be a key function as a strategy of problem solving and as a basis of reasoning process.
- D5 図形概念に関する認識論的研究の展開(D.【図形・幾何/測定】,論文発表の部)
- 社会的構成主義に基づく育成教材の開発に関する実証的研究 : 数学教育におけるグラフ電卓の活用を中心として
- 数学研究・教育における移動型情報プレゼンテーションシステム
- 図形概念に関する認識論的研究 : 図形指導の原理を求めて(第I編 学位論文紹介)
- D9 直観的側面に着目した図形指導過程の研究(D.【図形・幾何,測定】,論文発表の部,第II編 第38回数学教育論文発表会発表論文要約)
- D9 直観的側面に着目した図形指導過程の研究(D.【図形・幾何,測定】,論文発表の部)
- 図形概念の数学的意味に関する認識論的研究
- 確かな図形認識を育てる図形指導(WG4【図形・幾何/測定】,「課題別分科会」発表集録 今後の我が国の数学教育研究)
- 図形指導における認知的研究の動向と課題(WG4【図形・幾何/測定】,今後の我が国の数学教育研究,「課題別分科会」発表集録)
- J6 図形指導における明証性の認識に関する研究(J 学習・認知・理解)(第34回数学教育論文発表会発表論文要約)
- J6 図形指導における明証性の認識に関する研究(J 学習・認知・理解,論文発表の部)
- 図形に関する認知的研究と図形指導との関連(認知・理解研究部会,課題別研究部会)
- 図形概念に関する認知的研究の展望
- A3 イメージ化に基づく図形指導の構想(A 教育課程・教科書,論文発表+ポスター発表の部)
- 図形概念の数学的認識に基づく図形指導の考察(8.認識論,口頭発表の部)
- 情報処理システムによる図形の認知課程の考察(IV) : 図形概念,イメージ,定義
- 数学的概念に関する認識論的研究
- 情報処理システムによる図形の認知過程の考察(4)図形概念,イメージ,定義
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- 表象モデルに基づく図形概念の理解について(II 発表,理解研究部会,「テーマ別研究部会」発表集録)
- 情報処理システムによる図形の認知過程の考察(V) : 関係概念の認知について(5.図形と相互関係,論文発表の部)
- A4 情報処理システムによる図形の認知過程の考察(III) : 底辺と高さの認知について(A.理解・認知・思考分科会)
- A11 情報処理システムによる図形の認知過程の考察(II) : 図形の定義について(A.理解・認知・思考分科会)
- C14 図形指導における視覚イメージの役割について(分科会C)
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