The biological properties of the alkali-treated collagen and gelatin : a preliminary study of their influence on cell growth when used as scaffolds
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The alkaline treatment to extract collagen or gelatin has several benefits, compared with conventional acid or enzymatic treatment. However, during such alkaline processing, the isoelectric points of collagen and gelatin are shifted from alkalinity to acidity, and the biological influences have not yet been fully established. In order to clarify the biological properties of the alkali-treated collagen or gelatin, we performed a preliminary examination of the influence on the cell growth when these materials are used as scaffolds. Furthermore, we studied the effects of the alkali-treated collagen and gelatin on cell growth by UV cross-linking or by mixing them with the conventional pepsin-treated collagen or acid-treated gelatin showing the opposite isoelectric points. After four days in culture on the plates coated with pepsin-processed collagen (pep-collagen), alkali-treated collagen (alk-collagen), acid-treated gelatin (acd-gelatin) or alkali-treated gelatin (alk-gelatin), the number of rat fibroblasts was evaluated. The cell growth on the alk-collagen and gelatin decreased, in comparison with the control (non-coated). However, the cell number on the alk-collagen and -gelatin was improved when they were UV cross-linked. The cell growth was not affected when a small amount of pep- or alk-collagen was mixed with alk- or pep-collagen, respectively. However, the cell growth was decreased remarkably, when these collagens were mixed at a nearly equal ratio. The inhibition of the cell growth was also seen after mixing acd-gelatin and alk-gelatin. However, this inhibition of the cell growth was not significant. In summary, the alk-collagen and gelatin decreased the cell growth rather than control when used as scaffolds. However, by adding UV cross-linking or by mixing them with conventional collagen or gelatin at suitable compounding ratios, these materials may be therefore utilized as a more useful scaffold without spoiling their function.
萩原 明於
荻原 明於
萩原 明於
Tsujimoto Hiroyuki
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
Hagiwara Akeo
Department Of Digestive Surgery Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Tamura Atsushi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
萩原 明於
Tsujimoto Hiroyuki
Medical Life System Faculty Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
Hagiwara Akeo
Medical Life System Faculty Of Life And Medical Science Doshisha University
Takamori Hideki
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ikeda Junki
Undergraduate Senior, Department of Medical Life System, Doshisha University
Yoshida Chiko
Undergraduate sophomore, Department of Medical Life System, Doshisha University
Ikeda Junki
Undergraduate Senior Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Yoshida Chiko
Undergraduate Sophomore Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Morita Shinichiro
Bio-Medical Material Research Center, Doshisha University
Morita Shinichiro
Bio-medical Material Research Center Doshisha University
Hagiwara Akeo
Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Tsujimoto Hiroyuki
Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Orikasa Taichi
Undergraduate Senior Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Tanzawa Ayumi
Department of Medical Life System, Doshisha University
Ikeda Junki
Department of Medical Life System, Doshisha University
Orikasa Taichi
Department of Medical Life System, Doshisha University
Tamura Atsushi
Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
Takamori Hideki
Department Of Medical Life System Doshisha University
吉田 千子
萩原 明於
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