16-23 Nutrient loss and Vegetable yield as affected by Drag-hose irrigation in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 一般社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 2011-08-08
Method Kilasara
Kilasara Method
Kilasara Method
Sokoine Univ. Agriculture Morogoro Tza
Sugihara Soh
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Funakawa Shinya
Department Of Soil Sciences And Land Resource Faculty Of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural University
Funakawa Shinya
Graduate School Of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University:graduate School Of Agriculture Kyot
Kilasara Method
Boniface John
Sokoine University of Agriculutre
Mtakwa Peter
Sokoine University of Agriculutre
AKPR Tarimo
Sokoine University of Agriculutre
Sugihara Soh
Funakawa Shinya
Method Kilasara
- Factors controlling potentially mineralizable and recalcitrant soil organic matter in humid Asia(Soil Chemistry and Soil Mineralogy)
- 15 タンザニアの畑作地において有機物施用が土壌微生物動態に及ぼす影響(関西支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
- 16-13 東アフリカの農耕地における土壌微生物を介した養分動態の解析・第3報(16.畑地土壌肥よく度,2009度京都大会)
- 25-7 タンザニアにおける食用土壌 : ペンバーの理化学性と機能的特徴(25.文化土壌学,2008年度愛知大会)
- 16-11 東アフリカの農耕地における土壌微生物を介した養分動態の解析・第二報(16.畑地土壌肥よく度,2008年度愛知大会)
- 1-36 東アフリカの農耕地における土壌微生物を介した養分動態の解析(1.物質循環・動態,2007年度東京大会)
- Performance of an Aeolian Materials Sampler for the Determination of Amount of Coarse Organic Matter Transported during Wind Erosion Events in the Sahel, West Africa
- Factors Controlling Potentially Mineralizable and Recalcitrant Soil Organic Carbon in Humid Asia
- Factors Controlling in situ Decomposition Rate of Soil Organic Matter under Various Bioclimatic Conditions of Eurasia
- Effect of Burning on Soil Organic Matter Content and N Mineralization under Shifting Cultivation System of Karen People in Northern Thailand
- N Mineralization Process of the Surface Soils under Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Labile Pools of Organic Matter and Microbial Biomass in the Surface Soils under Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Soil Ecological Study on Dynamics of K, Mg, and Ca, and Soil Acidity in Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Ecological Study on the Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter and Its Related Properties in Shifting Cultivation Systems of Northern Thailand
- Physicochemical Properties of the Soils Associated with Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand with Special Reference to Factors Determining Soil Fertility
- Simulating short-term dynamics of non-increasing soil respiration rates by a model using Michaelis-Menten kinetics
- Simulating short-term dynamics of non-increasing soil respiration rates by a model using Michaelis-Menten kinetics(Soil Biology)
- In situ short-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics in relation to microbial dynamics after a simulated rainfall in croplands of different soil texture in Thailand(Soil Biology)
- Carbon dioxide emission derived from soil organic matter decomposition and root respiration in Japanese forests under different ecological conditions(Environment)
- Characterization of the frayed edge site of micaceous minerals in soil clays influenced by different pedogenetic conditions in Japan and northern Thailand(Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy)
- Cs Accumulation Behavior by Pseudomonas fluorescens
- Dynamics of microbial biomass nitrogen in relation to plant nitrogen uptake during the crop growth period in a dry tropical cropland in Tanzania(Soil Biology)
- Function of geophagy as supplementation of micronutrients in Tanzania(Socio Cultural Soil Science)
- Regional trends in the chemical and mineralogical properties of upland soils in humid Asia : With special reference to the WRB classification scheme(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Characteristics of Brown Forest Soils Developed under Different Bio-Climatic Conditions in the Kinki District with Special Reference to Their Pedogenetic Processes
- Regional evaluation of the spatio-temporal variation in soil organic carbon dynamics for rainfed cereal farming in northern Kazakhstan(Environment)
- Influence of crop rotation system on the spatial and temporal variation of the soil organic carbon budget in northern Kazakhstan(Environment)
- Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Influence of land use on the dynamics of soil organic carbon in northern Kazakhstan(Soil Fertility)
- Spatial Variability of Organic Matter Dynamics in the Semi-Arid Croplands of Northern Kazakhstan (Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Speciation of Al in Soil Solution from Forest Soils in Northern Kyoto with Special Reference to Their Pedogenetic Process
- Physical Properties of Forest Soils in Northern Kyoto with Special Reference to Their Pedogenetic Processes
- Pedogenetic Acidification Process of Forest Soils in Northern Kyoto
- Soil-Forming Processes under Natural Forest North of Kyoto in Relation to Soil Solution Composition
- Transformation of added phosphorus to acid upland soils with different soil properties in Indonesia(Soil Fertility)
- Phosphorus Sorption-Desorption Characteristics of Selected Acid Upland Soils in Indonesia (Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy)
- Water Dynamics in Soil-Plant Systems under Grain Farming in Northern Kazakhstan(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics under Grain Farming in Northern Kazakhstan(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- 23-7 Impact of Summer Fallow on Soil Organic Matter Status of Chernozems in North Kazakhstan
- Relationship between chemical and mineralogical properties and the rapid response to acid load of soils in humid Asia : Japan, Thailand and Indonesia(Soil Chemistry and Soil Mineralogy)
- Profile description, properties, and classification of seven upland soils formed under different conditions in Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia
- Factors controlling soil organic matter decomposition in small home gardens in different regions of Indonesia
- Temperature and moisture dependence of organic matter decomposition in soils from different environments, with special reference to the contribution of light- and heavy-fraction C
- Threshold concentrations of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation in a Japanese arable soil and a strongly acidic Japanese forest soil(Soil Biology)
- Different effects of pH on microbial biomass carbon and metabolic quotients by fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration methods in soils under different climatic conditions(Soil Biology)
- Soil microorganisms have a threshold concentration of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation(Soil Biology)
- The main functions of the fallow phase in shifting cultivation by Karen people in northern Thailand - a quantitative analysis of soil organic matter dynamics
- 16-19 東アフリカの農耕地における土壌微生物を介した養分動態の解析・第4報 : 土壌微生物が持つ養分プール機能の活用(16.畑地土壌肥よく度,2010年度北海道大会)
- Soil microorganisms have a threshold concentration of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation(SSPN AWARD)
- Performance of an Aeolian Materials Sampler for the Determination of Amount of Coarse Organic Matter Transported during Wind Erosion Events in the Sahel, West Africa(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining
- Factors Controlling Potentially Mineralizable and Recalcitrant Soil Organic Carbon in Humid Asia(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining Life and Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University Symposium Series
- Factors Controlling in situ Decomposition Rate of Soil Organic Matter under Various Bioclimatic Conditions of Eurasia(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining Life and Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Univer
- Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen throughout Andisol, Spodosol and Inceptisol profiles under forest in Japan(Environment)
- Distribution of Ultisols and Oxisols in the serpentine areas of East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Biodegradation kinetics of monosaccharides and their contribution to basal respiration in tropical forest soils(Soil biology)
- "Fallow Band System," a land management practice for controlling desertification and improving crop production in the Sahel, West Africa. : 1. Effectiveness in desertification control and soil fertility improvement(Soil fertility)
- 16-24 半乾燥熱帯の畑作地におけるCO_2発生量および土壌炭素蓄積量に土地利用が与える影響 : タンザニア・モロゴロ県を事例として(16.畑地土壌肥沃度)
- 16-23 Nutrient loss and Vegetable yield as affected by Drag-hose irrigation in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
- 16-22 タンザニアの傾斜畑作地において土壌・気象条件が水食発生量に与える影響(16.畑地土壌肥沃度)
- Soil Acidification : Natural Processes and Human Impact (Special Issue : International Symposia : Land Degradation and Pedology : Land Degradation and Management : Tokyo Metropolitan University Symposium Series No. 2, 2011)
- Comparison of Measurable and Conceptual Soil Organic Carbon Pools Using the RothC Model in Eurasia Steppe Soils Under Different Land Use (Special Issue : International Symposia : Land Degradation and Pedology : Land Degradation and Management : Tokyo Metr
- Carbon and nitrogen contents and greenhouse gas fluxes of the Eurasian steppe soils with different land-use histories located in the Arkaim museum reserve of South Ural, Russia(Environment)
- 16-5 土性が施肥リンの挙動に及ぼす影響の解明 : タンザニアの畑作地における事例(16.畑地土壌肥よく度,2012年度鳥取大会)
- 6-2-5 有機物施用法の違いが表層土壌中の窒素動態に与える影響 : タンザニアの畑作地における事例(6-2 畑地土壌肥沃度,2013年度名古屋大会)
- Carbon and nitrogen contents and greenhouse gas fluxes of the Eurasian steppe soils with different land-use histories located in the Arkaim museum reserve of South Ural, Russia