社会的不適応を続ける青年女子の症例について -ソーシャルワークに有力な技と考える認知行動療法を適用して-
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In this case study, cognitive behavioral therapy from a social work perspective was applied to a woman diagnosed with schizophrenia. The social worker analyzed "the client's emotional and behavioral patterns as well as the thought patterns that were preventing her from solving her behavioral issues." Social work principles were used to design a program that wouldpossibly deepen the client's understanding of her problems, normalize her behavior, andproactively lead the way to a solution. The social worker guided the woman to a solution by helping her overcome her cognitive barriers and understand three problem-solving perspectives: a) her distorted self-cognition; b)her distorted ideas and thoughts; and c) their connection to her lifestyle. The therapy ended when the client was able to reduce her negative schema of "nobody needsme," and demonstrate a positive attitude toward living. The therapy aimed at making the woman realize that her own attitude and personality was responsible for her being bullied and affecting her potential of speaking for herself.
- 2012-03-10
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