桔梗の免疫薬理学的研究(第1報) : マウス貧食能に及ぼす影響
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The effects of a 70% methanolic extract (KM) and its fractions obtained from Platycodi Radix (root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC.) on the phagocytic activity of mouse reticuloendothelial system were studied by the carbon clearance method in vivo. The effects of KM and its fractions on phagocytosis of latex by peritoneal macrophage (Mφ) were also investigated in vitro. The clearance-rate of carbon significantly increased 1 h after oral administration of KM, crude platycodi inulin (KI) and crude platycodi saponin (KS), and the tendency for carbon clearancerate to increase was observed even in mice treated with carrageenan. Microscopically, the injected carbon was formed to be inside Kupffer cells in liver and marginal zone Mφ in spleen. The phagocytosis of carbon in the liver and spleen was activated by administration of KM, KI and KS. The in vitro phagocytosis of latex by the peritoneal Mφ was also activated by incubation with KI. KI and KS seem to promote the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1986-12-20
久保 道徳
長尾 孝治
難液 健輔
近畿大 薬
難波 健輔
Research Laboratories Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
松田 秀秋
難波 健輔
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