痛みとその修飾の機序 : 最近の知見からわかってきたこと
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Pain is an important system of biophylaxis, that is, depending on their experience of pain, human beings can control their behavior in danger of being hurt or to protect a damaged body while its healing. However, unlike acute pain, chronic pain interferes with a person's quality of life, brings the unnecessary medical expenses of 'doctor shopping', and decreases the people's will to work. In the context of such social background, measures for encouragement have been taken such as the declaration by the US Congress that the ten-year period (2001-2010) be known as the Decade of Pain Control and Research, which has pushed to increase findings in pain mechanisms more than before. In this report, three subject matters are presented as follows: (1) A basic outline of the mechanism of peripheral pain perception and its transmission to the central nervous system; (2) Peripheral and central hypersensitivity of pain by an increase in the excitability of neurons; (3) emotional pain, which is also discussed with the latest knowledge.
- 2011-06-30
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- 痛みとその修飾の機序 : 最近の知見からわかってきたこと
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