プロジェクトIRC : 多読の授業における互恵的な読書環境の創出
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In this paper, we will illustrate and analyze how Project IRC (Interactive Reading Community), which aims to create a community of readers on the Internet among university students, could satisfy the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness proposed by Deci & Ryan (1996). These three needs are considered as fundamental sources for humans to be motivated to learn, and there are many reports that satisfying these needs could make students motivated to learn English. The IRC Project utilizes a website which has many features to enhance the quality of these three needs of human beings: database of reaction reports posted by IRC members can help students choose new books and encourage them to read and support their autonomous reading, the "Reading Marathon" feature allows students to visualize how much they have read and make them feel competent, and the exchange of reactions and comments about books over the Internet can create relationships among readers. Each of the authors will argue how educationally valuable it is to have students join the IRC project for motivating students to read in English.
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