- 論文の詳細を見る
Study of a corpus of spoken data should include analysis of the prosody which can offer a wealth of information from the viewpoints of discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, natural language processing and language education. However, unlike written material, analysis of spoken material poses many problems, beginning with the unit of analysis itself. Fortunately, recent technological progress has led to the development of a promising speech analysis tool, multi speech (Kay, USA), which we used in this study to examine the pitch of utterances in order to try to identify units for examining spoken material. Ten native English speakers from various countries, all students at a Japanese university, were asked to view a 10-minute silent film known as the Pear Story (Chafe 1980). They were then asked to give a description about what they had viewed. Their narratives were transcribed and also subjected to analysis using multi speech to identify what could be useful as a unit of analysis. First, to identify the unit of analysis, the transcribed data by a native English speaker was classified based on semantic units, while the data by multi speech was based on identification of a pause of 200 milliseconds. Comparison of the two sets of findings showed that multi speech tended to identify about twofold more units. However, the analysis could be done automatically and quantitatively and thus was taken as the manner of identifying unit boundaries. Analysis based on this condition showed that the pitch at the start of a unit was about 1.2-fold higher than the following nucleus section, and continued to decrease to the end of the unit. The pitch level itself varied greatly with the individual. While further work is needed with more samples, our results suggest the possibility of analysis of spoken material based on pauses and prosody.
- 2003-06-30
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