- 論文の詳細を見る
The melt-solidification treatment of the residue from municipal solid waste incinerators is expected to be the resource recycling method that resolves the landfill issue by utilizing the products, such as slag, metal and fly ash as new materials and resources. In this study, the fusing temperature, fusing time and slag treatment method were set as the experimental parameters, and dissolution assay of the incinerator slag, as well as the strength test of the mortar with pulverized aggregate, the autoclave test and freezing and thawing test on the interlocking concrete block were carried out. As a result, elution of SiO2,Al2O3,CaO has been confirmed as main elements from the residue, and small amount of Na2O,K2O,Cl,Pb,Zn, etc. has also been detected. The more concentrated form of these elements was found in the fly ash. When the residue is fused at higher than 1450 degrees centigrade, the content rate of Al in the slag becomes less than 0.0wt% and the slag is possible to be used as the alternate material for sand to mix in the mortar. It has become clear that bending strength and freeze-thaw of interlocking block that contains slag stay within the normal range, if the ratio of slag substituted for sand is around 10%.
- 2011-03-01
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