233 ゴミ溶融炉スラグを細骨材として用いたコンクリートの性状(灰処理・有効利用,廃棄物処理技術)
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The quality of concrete has been investigated empirically, when three kinds of waste melting incinerator slag, direct-arc, fluidized bed gasification and coke bed type is used as pulverized aggregate. It has become clear that bending strength and freeze-thaw of Iterlocking Block that contains slag stay within the normal range, if the ratio of slag substituted for sand is around 10%. There is no evidence of efflux of heavy-metal ion, such as Cu, Cd, Se, Ag, etc., from slag and the Iterlocking Block.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-07-06
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- ゴミ溶融炉スラグを細骨材として用いたモルタルとコンクリートの性状