働き盛りの人の認知症と就労支援 (北川紀男教授退任記念号)
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People with dementia in the prime time of life are faced with many problems, one of which is the working problem. This paper aims to quest for better methods of the working support for people with dementia in the prime time of life. First, I introduce some working problems by referring to findings of an opinion survey for families of persons with dementia, talking of a person with dementia, and an interview with a person who has experiences of supporting a person with dementia at a working place. Second, tasks in the working support are extracted from a case study of a person with dementia who works while being supported by working support centers. Third, I try to show new directions in methods of the working support for people with dementia through examining first and second discussions.
- 2011-03-28
- 若年認知症の人への移動支援
- 本学卒業生が直面する現場課題
- 高齢者介護施設における夜勤、残業の現状と課題
- 介護従事者の労働実態とバーンアウト
- 介護労働の実態とその継続条件を考える
- 働き盛りの人の認知症と就労支援 (北川紀男教授退任記念号)
- 若年認知症の人の外出行動と阻害要因について