- 論文の詳細を見る
For the youth with dementia who has physical strength and physical functions, activities of daily living are almost possible in the early terms of dementia. Though it is difficult by the appearance for them to be recognized as the disabled, they need supports in outdoor actions. But their families cannot always respond to needs of supports. Therefore, the guide helper service as a public institution is necessary. In the present time, this service is not well known to families needing it, and they are not familiar with using guide helpers. Guide helpers also are faced with many problems. This paper, based on interviewing some guide helpers, aims to find problems with which they are faced in supports for outdoor actions, and examine skills which are necessary to accomplish tasks of the guide helper.
- 2010-02-25
- 若年認知症の人への移動支援
- 本学卒業生が直面する現場課題
- 高齢者介護施設における夜勤、残業の現状と課題
- 介護従事者の労働実態とバーンアウト
- 介護労働の実態とその継続条件を考える
- 働き盛りの人の認知症と就労支援 (北川紀男教授退任記念号)
- 若年認知症の人の外出行動と阻害要因について