Volcanic ash additions control soil carbon accumulation in brown forest soils in Japan(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
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The objective of the present study was to clarify the influence of volcanic ash addition on soil carbon stocks and the carbon accumulation process in brown forest soils (BFS) in Japan. The degree of volcanic ash addition to the soil was estimated according to the acid ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum (Al_<ox>) and lithic fragment contents, and their vertical distribution patterns. The BFS was classified in order of increasing volcanic ash influence on the soil into the following types: high Al_<ox> content with no gravel (H-Al_<ox>-NGv), high Al_<ox> with a high gravel content (H-Al_<ox>-Gv), moderate Al_<ox> (M-Al_<ox>), and low Al_<ox> (L-Al_<ox>), and then analyzed for carbon content, carbon amount, carbon stock, Al_<ox> amount and pyrophosphate extractable aluminum (Al_<py>) amount. The correlation between the carbon and Al_<py> amounts and the relationship between the Al_<py> and Al_<ox> amounts in the BFS samples indicated that the amount of carbon is determined by Al-humus complex formation, which is defined by the active Al generated from additional volcanic ash in BFS soil samples of BFS. Therefore, soils with thicker horizons and greater amounts of Al_<ox> had higher carbon levels in deeper horizons. For this reason, soil carbon stocks at depths of 0-30cm and 0-100cm, and in the effective soil depth of BFS, were larger and followed the order H-Al_<ox>-NGv=H-Al_<ox>-Gv>M-Al_<ox>>L-Al_<ox>. Furthermore, successive accumulations of volcanic ash on the soil surface promoted soil carbon accumulation as a result of the development of the surface horizon in H-Al_<ox>-NGv BFS. Our results suggest that volcanic ash additions control the soil carbon accumulation of forest soil in Japan.
稲垣 善之
稲垣 善之
稲垣 善之
今矢 明宏
今矢 明宏
今矢 明宏
Ohta Seiichi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Ohta Seiichi
Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Tanaka Nagaharu
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
IMAYA Akihiro
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Kyushu Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
INAGAKI Yoshiyuki
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Yoshinaga Shuichiro
Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Imaya A
Forestry And Forest Products Res. Inst.(ffpri) Tsukuba Jpn
Imaya Akihiro
Shikoku Research Center Ffpri
稲垣 善之
今矢 明宏
今矢 明宏
Yoshinaga Shuichiro
Kyushu Research Center Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Yoshinaga Shuichiro
Kyushu Research Center Ffpri
Ohta Seiichi
Laboratory of Tropical Forest Resources and Environment, Division of Forest and Biomaterial Science Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
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- Volcanic ash additions control soil carbon accumulation in brown forest soils in Japan(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
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- Proposal for advanced classification of brown forest soils in Japan with reference to the degree of volcanic ash additions(Soil Genesis)
- 四国のヒノキ人工林において台風が落葉動態に及ぼす影響
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- 植林に伴う耕作放棄棚田の保水容量の変化
- Free oxides and short-range ordered mineral properties of brown forest soils developed from different parent materials in the submontane zone of the Kanto and Chubu districts, Japan(Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
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- 四国地方のヒノキ人工林における間伐が表層土壌の物理性に及ぼす影響
- 日本の枯死針葉樹材の分解度による材密度の推定
- 去川森林理水試験地における流出水の水質
- Stem productivity in relation to nitrogen concentration and carbon isotopic composition (δ^C) in leaves of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) plantations in Shikoku district, Japan(Environment)
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- 久万林業地域の複層林と魚梁瀬スギ天然林 : 森林立地学会現地研究会に参加して
- Gross nitrification rates in four Japanese forest soils : heterotrophic versus autotrophic and the regulation factors for the nitrification
- Soil properties and nitrogen utilization of hinoki cypress as affected by strong thinning under different climatic conditions in the Shikoku and Kinki districts in Japan
- Changes in nitrogen transformation in forest soil representing the climate gradient of the Japanese archipelago
- Soil nitrogen dynamics of forest ecosystems under environmental changes
- 13-11 森林土壌、特に褐色森林土への包括的土壌分類第1次試案の適用(13.土壌生成・分類)
- 第50回日本ペドロジー学会野外巡検に参加して
- 強度間伐したヒノキ人工林の表層土壌の物理性
- 関東平野周辺の窒素飽和状態の針葉樹人工林における地上部生産と窒素利用様式
- 去川森林理水試験地における流出水の水質
- 間伐・小面積皆伐がヒノキ林の表層土壌水分に及ぼす影響
- 四国地域のヒノキ林における落葉の季節性と窒素利用の関係
- 間伐がヒノキ林の表層土壌水分に及ぼす影響
- 間伐施業が土壌水分と窒素資源に及ぼす影響
- 間伐がヒノキ林の落葉量と季節性に及ぼす影響
- ヒノキ林における放置間伐材の分解にともなう重量減少と窒素動態
- 四国地域における森林生態系の窒素循環(受賞研究総説)
- 間伐がヒノキ林土壌の二酸化炭素放出およびメタン吸収に及ぼす影響
- 関東平野周辺の窒素飽和状態の針葉樹人工林における地上部生産と窒素利用様式
- 強度間伐したヒノキ人工林の表層土壌の物理性
- S1-27 窒素安定同位体比を用いた樹木の窒素吸収源の解明 : 四国地方のヒノキ、スギ林における事例(S1.土壌-植物系の窒素動態研究における安定同位体比の利用,1.物質循環・動態,2012年度鳥取大会)
- SSPNAward紹介論文 火山灰付加は褐色森林土の炭素蓄積を支配する
- P1-10 熱帯季節林の堆積有機物と鉱質土層の炭素蓄積量および森林タイプとの対応(S1.土壌-植物系の窒素動態研究における安定同位体比の利用,1.物質循環・動態,2012年度鳥取大会)
- Volcanic ash additions control soil carbon accumulation in brown forest soils in Japan(SSPN AWARD)
- 土壌講座1 : 日本の森林土壌(樹木医学の基礎講座)
- 1-33 森林土壌における低分子有機酸の動態に及ぼす火山灰母材の影響(1.物質循環・動態,2012年度鳥取大会)
- P13-3 日本の森林域における火山灰土壌の分布(13.土壌生成・分類,2012年度鳥取大会)
- ミニシンポジウム開催報告「土壌-植物系の窒素動態研究における安定同位体比の利用」(会員の広場)
- 奨-2 褐色森林土の化学特性と腐植の集積に及ぼす母材ならびに火山灰付加の影響に関する研究(日本土壌肥料学会奨励賞記念講演,2012年度鳥取大会)
- I-1 林野土壌分類の概要と今日的課題(I わが国の土壌分類研究の現状と今後の課題,シンポジウム,2012年度鳥取大会)
- 火山灰付加は褐色森林土の炭素蓄積を支配する(SSPN Award紹介論文)
- 1-1-18 比重分画法と安定同位体トレーサー法を用いた土壌有機物蓄積プロセスの定量的解析(1-1 物質循環・動態,2013年度名古屋大会)