Microbial Immobilization and Plant Uptake of Different N Forms in Three Forest Types in Shikoku District, Southern Japan
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Soil microbial immobilization and plant uptake of N were evaluated for three forest types in Kochi, Shikoku district. During 196-d laboratory incubation, soil NO_3-N production in the Hinoki cypress forest was negligible for the initial 40 d and then rapidly increased, whereas NO_3-N production was rapid from the beginning in Japanese cedar and deciduous hardwood forests. Microbial immobilization of the labeled ^<15>N decreased in the order of NH_4-N>glycine-N>NO_3-N. The ^<15>N immobilization was higher for soil in the Hinoki cypress forest than other two soils. The delayed NO_3-N production in the Hinoki cypress forest was likely related with low availability of NH_4-N due to NH_4-N immobilization and substantial NO_3-N immobilization. In the field experiment, ^<15>N uptake by roots decreased in the order of NH_4-N>NO_3-N>glycine-N. The absorption of the labeled ^<13>C suggested direct uptake of organic N. The preference of N forms by root uptake was not different among forest types. Trees in three forest types can absorb inorganic and organic forms of N, suggesting trees absorb the N form that is the most abundant in the soil.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
稲垣 善之
稲垣 善之
INAGAKI Yoshiyuki
Shikoku Research Center, Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute
INAGAKI Yoshiyuki
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Kohzu Ayato
Center For Ecological Research Kyoto University
Inagaki Yoshiyuki
Shikoku Research Center Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
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