わが国に学校ソーシャルワーカーは必要か? : 教頭へのアンケート調査結果より
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To clarify the following points,head teachers of the elementary school and the junior high school in Kitakyusyu city were asked to answer the questionnaire. 1) Who is keyperson in the school to involve in the issue of nonattendance of students with anxiety about the school situation, or students with truancy? 2) Do your school have some stuffs who have the role to facilitate school-home -community partnerships? 3) Do you think the school need school social worker in Japan? The result were as follows : 1) Class teacher have the responsibility to involve in students with nonattendance. 2) The school don't have some stuffs like school social worker to facilitate school-home-community partnerships. 3) Almost all of head teachers answered that the school need school social worker in Japan. This study's result was discussed from the perspective of the necessity of school soical worker in improving the educational system in Japan.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1997-12-20
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