- 論文の詳細を見る
This article aims 1) to introduce concepts of service-learning, and 2) to show whether service-learning encourages students and faculty to rethink about their learning and teaching, through an empirical study on a class at Service-Learning Center of Ryukoku University. Service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development. Two important concepts on service-learning are "reflection" and "reciprocity". Reflection is designed to foster learning and development of students. It is also structured to promote learning about the large social issues behind the needs to which their service is responding. Moreover it should include opportunities for participants to receive feedback from those persons being served, as well as from peers and program leaders. Reciprocity is the essential concept shared between the server and the person or group being served. Both the server and those served teach, and both learn. Through reciprocity, students develop a greater sense of belonging and responsibility as members of a larger community. An analysis in this article shows that students learn interests in their local community and self-determination, that faculty find difficulty of designing a class academically and occupationally, and that they are also provided opportunities to rethink their teaching method reflexisively by reflection of service-learning. Students recompose their internal intellectual spheres through a service-learning program, and they can study other classes self-directedly. Faculty rethink designing a class structured opportunities intentionally to promote student learning and development, in which they need to consider their institutes' mission. Moreover, service-learning has possibilities for changing and realizing their diploma policies. To do so, higher education institutes should have systems and strategies of supporting faculty who promote and engage service-learning, as well as Service-Learning Center of Ryukoku University.
- 2009-10-17
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
山田 一隆
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