C. M. ウッドワードの「プロジェクト法」 : セントルイス手工学校における理論と実践
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The origin of project method has been regarded as one at the beginning of this century. But M. Knoll's article (1991) presents the fact that the word "project" has been used since 18C., in the royal academy of architecture in Paris, later in technical colleges in Germany and U.S., as the concept of a method of teaching. This paper describes the theory and practice of C. M. Woodward who established Manual Training School in St. Louis Mo., in 1879. According to Knoll, he is "the father" or "the pioneer" of project method, and "the mediator" of this concept from college to high school. Such a historical position is examined, in this paper, especially through the analysis of the practice in Woodward's school, and of the features of his project.
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1995-03-31
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