キャビテーション騒音の研究(第2報) : 音紋図を用いたプロペラキャビテーション騒音データの解析法について
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This paper deals with data analysis of cavitation noise emitted from a marine propeller using Time History of Noise Spectra. Time History of Noise Spectra consists of the spectra of the blade frequency and its harmonic spectra of a propeller printed on a paper using fount developed by the authors. Describability of Time History of Noise Spectra was tested in using data of a model propeller working in a non-uniform flow in the cavitation tunnel and invaluable data recorded in the experiments on the actual and model ships. The authors conclude that Time History of Cavitation Noise Spectra patterns depend on the characteristics of the blade frequency noise of an individual propeller and that, at least, the method may be used to estimate cavitation conditions of a propeller after many actual and model ship experiments and captuare the relationship between the blade frequency noise and its spectra.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1989-03-30
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