載荷状態が推進性能に及ぼす影響 : バルクキャリア船型についての調査・研究
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To investigate the effect of various loading conditions of a ship upon the propulsive performance, the bulk carrier ship models having different particulars were tested. The main results are as follows: A: Test's conditions are all even keel and various loads, (1) Form factor (K) is minimum under nearly fully loaded conditions. (2) Form factor is minimum in case of minimum dipping amount at A.P. under the defined Fn. (3) Residuary resistance coefficient (r_R) is minimum under nearly fully loaded condition. (4) Wake fraction increases with the decrease of ship's loading, but thrust deduction factor and relative rotative efficiency are almost independent of ship's loading. (5) The speed decreases by 6〜7% for over full load condition (1.2 ∇_F) and increases by about 10% for ballast condition (0.5 ∇_F), comparing with the speed under the defined DHP of fully loaded condition(∇_F). B: Test's conditions are various trim for ballast conditions. (1) Generally, from factor increases and wake fraction decreases with the increase of the trim by stern, for ballast load conditions tested.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1985-03-30
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