- 論文の詳細を見る
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea encourages all the participants to undertake research work on tanker lifeboats which could be capable of resisting fire when attached to davits, and of being safely lowered with their full complement and then cleared from the ship's side in conditions of fire on the surface of the water. Much cooling water which flows on the outer surface of a boat will be able to protect the FRP lifeboat from fire. But it is very difficult to cover all the outer surfaces of the boat with limited quantity of water, at any time when the boat is lowering or running against the wind. Therefore, the extent of damage and effectiveness of heat insulation of the FRP lifeboat, which is not substantially fireproof, must be investigated. Two kinds of heating tests, tension tests of heated plates and sprinkling tests of real tanker lifeboats are conducted as follows: a) FRP plates of 750×990(mm) which were the same materials as those of FRP tanker lifeboats were set vertically in front of a test furnace of about 500℃. And the plates were heated for twenty minutes while cooling water flows on the heating surfaces of the plates. b) Four runs of large scale oil fire tests were conducted with two kinds of half-size models of FRP tanker lifeboats. c) Tension tests were conducted to know the extent of decrease of tensile strength infected with the heat addition to the FRP plates. d) Water film thicknesses on the outer surfaces of shells were measured for two kinds of real tanker lifeboats. The main results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The materials of FRP tanker lifeboats, which are composed of self-extinguishing and fire-retardant additions, can resist an oil fire of 1000℃ for about thirty seconds, even if there is no cooling water on the outer surfaces of shell plates. 2) 0.6mm is the necessary minimum water film thickness on the outer surface plate of thickness of 6mm to protect the boat and crews inboard for five minutes in conditions of fire on the surface of the water. In these conditions, the temperatures and the heat fluxes of the boat will not exceed the following values. i) Inner surface temperature of shell plate : 150℃ ii) Inboard air temperature : 60℃ iii) Heat flux into the outer surface of shell plate : 4500Kcal/m^2・h iv) Heat flux into the inboard air : 300Kcal/m^2・h
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1979-05-31
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- 船上の避難行動のシミュレーション-III
- 船上の避難行動のシミュレーション-II
- 船上の避難行動のシミュレーション-I
- FRP廃船処理と資源としての利用
- 船底破口からの貨物・燃料油の流出について : 潮流等による油流出模型実験
- 33.船用吹出口の分岐特性について(第一報)
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- イマーションスーツの開発と研究(その1,その2)(装備部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 船舶火災に関する研究動向と問題点(艤装部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- FRP製耐火救命艇の耐火断熱性能について
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- 水平管内を流れる二酸化炭素気液二相流の観察結果
- タンカー用救命艇の研究
- 49.タンカー用救命艇の艇体冷却方法について
- 船舶救命設備の耐熱・耐寒性能評価法に関する研究
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- 海難時における救命設備の有効性に関する調査解析 : 第1報 : データベースの構築とその解析(装備部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- イマーションスーツの耐寒性能評価法
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- 散水によるふく射熱の遮断効果(艤装部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 研究速報 : セミサブリグの風洞試験における閉塞影響について
- 制振鋼板の船舶への応用 -実船への適用と模型実験-
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- 水上オートバイ(PWC)の騒音(装備部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 水上オートバイ(PWC)の騒音
- 自由降下式救命艇の着水衝撃について
- 50.気密フタの性能について
- タイトル無し