- 論文の詳細を見る
Total flooding high pressure carbon dioxide extinguishing systems are usually used to extinguish fires occured in cargo holds or engine rooms of ships. Carbon dioxide in the high pressure storage containers or through the distribution piping is in the state of a mixture of liquid and vapor. The energy loss due to friction in the pipeline causes a reduction in pressure and the liquid carbon dioxide boils so as to produce a mixture of liquid and vapor. As the prersure drops, the specific volume of carbon dioxide mixture becomes larger. The pressure or temperature drop is non-linear and increases rapidly near the end of the pipeline. NFPA code shows the equation of the carbon dioxide two-phase flow to determine the pressure drop in the pipe line. But it defines only the ideal homogeneous two-phase flow. Before researching for the equation of carbon dioxide two-phase flow in the pipeline, the observations of carbon dioxide two-phase flow in the horizontal glass tube were made with camera, stroboscope and high-speed camera, and the flow regime maps composed of several different carbon dioxide flow patterns were produced. The inner diameter of test section is 10.9mm. Flow rates include the range of 0.0025 to 0.55kg/sec, and pressures are from 1.1 to 44kg/cm^2. The results were compared with air-water or steam-water two-phase flow by Alves, Baker and others. The characteristics and tendency of the flow regime curves coincided rather well, although carbon dioxide was selected as two-phase fluid.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1973-03-20
- 油分濃度計性能試験装置の開発
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- タイトル無し