- 論文の詳細を見る
This report consists of two parts. In part 1 was mainly studied the effect of fore-body shape upon the propulsive performance of a tanker with L/B=6.0 and C_B=0.80, and in Part 2 that with L/B=6.5 and C_B=0.82. 18 model ships were used in the work of Part 1 and 6 model ships in that of Part 2. The principal results of these series model tests are as follows; (1) The bulbous bow form projected forward from F. P. gave the best propulsive performance throughout the three loaded conditions of full, half and ballast among the four bow shapes of normal, cylindrical bows and orthodox and projecting bulbous bows. (2) So far as the size of bulbs varies from 6% to 14% of midship section area, resistance coefficient for the fully loaded condition decreases with the increase of bulb size and there exists the optimum size varying with Froude no. for the ballast condition. (3) Under the fully loaded condition shape of bulbous bow has very slight influence on the propulsive performance, but under the ballast condition the lowered and projecting bulb gives better propulsive performance. (4) Amount of projection of the bulb has a considerable influence upon the propulsive performance. For the hull form of C_B=0.82 and L/B=6.5, projection of about 1.5% of L_<PP> seems to give better propulsive performance around the service speed. (5) Concerning the effect of the shape of prismatic curves, big shoulder gave better propulsive performance for the ballast condition and worse performance for the fully loaded condition. Taking the both conditions into consideration, the small shoulder seems to be better. According to the results of frame-line series tests, it is recommended not to make the frame lines of full tankers with bulbous bow too U shape. (7) Optimum position of L. C. B. was found to be located around -3% of L_<PP> for the hull of L/B=6.0 and C_B=0.80. (8) Comparative tests of two models with different B/d values showed that smaller figure of B/d gave better propulsive performance. Further works in this field are being carried out and another report will be published in near future.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1968-01-25
森山 茂男
矢崎 敦生
横尾 幸一
矢崎 敦生
市原 良夫
市原 良夫
森山 茂男
横尾 幸一
- 三鷹第3船舶試験水槽の建設について
- 2.双胴船の抵抗試験について
- 1-16 Study on Flow Pattern around the Stern of Full Ship Form by Use of the Geosims(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at Societies and Institutions in 1972)
- Study on Flow Pattern around the Stern of Full Ship Form by Use of the Geosims
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- プロペラ荷重変化の自航要素に及ぼす影響について : シーアンカーを使用した実船試験
- 1.超大型船の系統的模型試験
- 1-4 超高速3軸コンテナ船の推進性能に関する研究(昭和48年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
- 超高速3軸コンテナ船の推進性能に関する研究
- 三鷹第2船舶試験水槽の建設について
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- バルブ付肥大船型の推進性能に関する研究 : 2軸船の主要寸法比が推進性能におよぼす影響
- 大型2軸コンテナ船の推進性能に関する2,3の実験について(昭和48年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
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- バルブ付き肥大船型の推進性能に関する研究 第2報
- バルブ付き肥大船型の推進性能に関する研究
- 4翼可変ピッチプロペラを装備した高速貨物船型に関する水槽試験
- プロペラの翼数が船舶の自航要素等におよぼす影響に関する水槽試験
- バルブ付肥大船型の推進性能に関する研究 : 2軸船の尺度影響および船尾形状に関する研究
- 船首バルブ付き高速ライナー船型(C_B=0.56,L/B=7.0)に関する系統的模型試験 第1報 : l_, フレイム・ライン, L/B, 船尾形状の影響
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- VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION AHEAD OF THE PROPELLER DISC OF THE SHIP MEASURING TECHNIQUES AND COMPARISON WITH MODEL TESTS(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at Societies and Institutions in 1972)
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- 実船における船尾流速分布の計測 : 主として計測法について
- 5.国鉄青函連絡船船型におけるサイド・スラスタ用開口部の形状が抵抗におよぼす影響
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