船首バルブ付き高速ライナー船型(C_B=0.56,L/B=7.0)に関する系統的模型試験 第1報 : l_<CB>, フレイム・ライン, L/B, 船尾形状の影響
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This paper deals with the results of systematic series model tests on high speed cargo liners with bulbous bow. The parent form of the models has such proportions as L/B=7.0, B/d=2.4, C_B=0.56, C_P=0.577, C_M=0.970, l_<CB>=+1.68. In this No.1 report, the effects of l_<CB>, frame line shape, L/B and stern form were investigated. The principal results of the tests are as follows:1)Optimum positions of longitudinal center of buoyancy on the high speed cargo ships with bulbous bow are considerably different from those with normal bow. The optimum position of l_<CB> in residuary resistance coefficients r_R is +0.8% for the full load condition, +0.9% for the half load condition, and +0.8〜+1.2% for the ballast condition.2)Variation of the wake fraction due to the variation of l_<CB> is very slight and that of thrust deduction coefficient is comparatively large.3)V shape of the aft body gives a lower resistance, but the parent form was best of the models in the frame line series in the propulsion point of view, because of the least value of the thrust deduction coefficient.4)Both r_R and wake fraction decrease with the increase of L/B, but thrust deduction and relative rotative efficiency do not show any definite tendency owing to the variation of L/B.5)The cup-up stern brings up the decrease of thrust deduction coefficient, and, together with it, remarkable decrease of the wake fraction which makes the hull efficiency worse. Concerning this kind of hull forms, some device will be necessary not to decrease the wake fraction so much.Further works in this field are being carried out and No.2 report will be published in near future.
- 1969-11-15
森山 茂男
市原 良夫
牛島 秀利
森山 茂男
並松 正明
今堀 健三
横尾 幸一
横尾 幸一
島田 広二
牛島 秀利
並松 正明
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