Global Agendaにおけるマラリア(新興・再興感染症,シンポジウム,東京女子医科大学学会第63回総会特集)
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Malaria is an important issue on the Global Agenda. It is estimated that even now about half of the world population are still living in malaria area with 300 million cases and 3 million deaths every year. Most of the malaria deaths are children under 5 years old. Although currently malaria endemicity exists mainly in the tropics, before 1946, that is, before the human started its efforts to eradicate malaria in a large scale, malaria was more widely distributed in the world than the present. At that time Japan had malaria together with the United States and some European countries. However some areas were precluded from malaria: those were high mountains and deserts. Also Polynesian islands in the Pacific have never had malaria, even though Melanesian Papua New Guinea, Solomon and Vanuatu are highly malarious even now. Human disease malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. Human is classified into malaria donor and recipient. The environment is supporting this cycle: for example, temperature and rainfall are important factors together with vegetation, housing, health infrastructures, war situation, and poverty status. In 1950s, the WHO malaria eradication program focused its efforts on vector control: using DDT-residual spraying. But that program completely failed with mainly operational reasons and we already learned it is almost impossible to control malaria only by killing mosquitoes. The Global Malaria Control Strategy adopted by Malaria Summit at Amsterdam in 1992 says the primary objective is early diagnosis and treatment to prevent malaria death. In this context malaria chemotherapy is a key issue. Also we understand more and more environmental management is very important. Malaria vaccine may be an conceptually important tool, but good one may not be available at least within the next 10 years.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1998-04-25
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- Global Agendaにおけるマラリア(新興・再興感染症,シンポジウム,東京女子医科大学学会第63回総会特集)
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