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This paper presents the simultaneous estimation of the position and mechanical impedance of unknown surfaces using a robotic finger. Successfully treating such a simultaneous sensing device will contribute to reducing the inspection time required for industrial products, and could also be useful for detecting unknown surfaces such as in disaster zones. A novel end-effector is proposed, that is equipped with a force sensor and a resonant mechanical element, located at the last of the robotic finger. The finger itself is automatically manipulated by the velocity-based force control, and the end-effector is passively oscillated by a vibration motor. The surface estimation is attained by processing signals of the reaction force and the position from unknown surfaces to the fingertip. First we introduce the idea of the surface estimation using a robotic finger. Next the possibilities for estimating with the tracing control of unknown surfaces are studied using a computer simulation of the finger's dynamical model. Finally, the usefulness of estimating with the tracing control is verified by experiments using a three D.O.F. robotic finger.
- 2010-01-25
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