Nitrogen uptake by sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) in the early growth stages(Plant Nutrition)
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Previous trials have revealed variable responses of sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) to fertilizer application, particularly nitrogen (N). In the present study, we quantified the fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) of sago palm for the first time using ^<15>N-labeled fertilizer in pot and field experiments. The pot experiment was conducted in Japan using a 2:1 mixture of sand to Philippine soil. The field experiment was conducted in Leyte in the Philippines. Both experiments consisted of three replicates in each of three treatments: control, ^<15>N urea at 50kg N ha^<-1> and ^<15>N urea at 100kg N ha^<-1>. The N uptake of sago palm increased significantly, but inconsistently with increasing N application. The few instances of a significant increase in N uptake did not translate into significant improvements in growth parameters, except for the number of leaflets in the pot experiment. The FUE values for sago seedlings (<6 months) in the pot experiment treated with 50 and 100kg N ha^<-1> were 10.5 and 13.2%, respectively, whereas for the 2-year-old sago palms in the field, the corresponding FUE values were 14.8 and 12.0%. The FUE values were similar at the two levels of N application in both experiments. Sago growth parameters appeared to be insensitive to N application, suggesting that the form of N and the timing of N fertilization are important factors for sago palms. Therefore, the use of N fertilizer in sago production can only be justified after determining and fully understanding the response of sago palm to N application.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
井倉 将人
岡崎 正規
Institute Of Symbiotic Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
井倉 将人
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
LINA Suzette
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tec
OKAZAKI Masanori
Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
KIMURA Dorothea
Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
YANO Yoshiharu
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tec
Bio-Resources Environmental Science Department, Ishikawa Prefectural University
IGURA Masato
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tec
Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center, Visayas State University
Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center, Visayas State University
岡崎 正規
岡崎 正規
Loreto Alan
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center Visayas State University
Loreto Alan
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center Leyte State University
Quevedo Marcelo
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center Visayas State University
Quevedo Marcelo
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center Leyte State University
Loreto Alan
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center (philrootcrops) Leyte State University
Igura Masato
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Lina Suzette
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Quevedo Marcelo
Philippine Root Crop Research And Training Center (philrootcrops) Leyte State University
Yano Yoshiharu
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Yonebayashi Koyo
Bio-resources Environmental Science Department Ishikawa Prefectural University
Igura Masato
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo
Kimura Dorothea
Graduate School Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
岡崎 正規
東京農工大学大学院 生物システム応用科学府
Okazaki Masanori
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Okazaki Masanori
Institute Of Symbiotic Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
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- 39 鉄酸化物を用いた下水処理水中のリン酸の吸着・除去(関東支部講演会,日本土壌肥料学会 支部講演会講演要旨集 2005年度)
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- 熱帯泥炭の燃焼に伴って発生する有機化合物(1. 物質循環・動態, 2004年度大会講演要旨集)
- 30 スパルティナ (Spartina alterniflora) のカドミウム吸収・蓄積特性スパルティナ (Spartina alterniflora) を用いた : 低濃度カドミウム汚染土壌のファイトレメディエーション (2)(関東支部講演会, 2005年度各支部会講演要旨)
- Cr(VI) およびCr(III) イオンの土壌に対する吸脱着特性(関東支部講演会, 日本土壌肥料学会支部講演会講演要旨集2004年度)
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- 2-16 濃厚金属イオン溶液の新型酸性 : 金属イオン濃度の三乗に比例して水素イオン濃度が変わる新型酸性(2.土壌有機・無機化学,日本土壌肥料学会 2005年度大会講演要旨集)
- 土壌金属水溶液の濃度とpH値(関東支部講演会, 日本土壌肥料学会支部講演会講演要旨集2004年度)
- 3-5 メトール系バッファーを用いた電気泳動法によるアルミニウムの定量法(3.土壌分析法)
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- 環境中の腐植物質 その特徴と研究法, 石渡良志・米林甲陽・宮島徹編著, 21×15cm, 291pp., 定価4,700円(本体), 三共出版(東京), 2008年11月発行
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- 塩化ナトリウムストレスに対するサゴヤシ (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) の応答
- Enhancement of Nitrogen-fixing Activity of Enterobacteriaceae Strains Isolated from Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu) by Microbial Interaction with Non-nitrogen Fixers
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- 千葉大学熱川暖地農場の土壌の諸性質について : 第2報 有機物と微生物特性
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- セレンによる土壌汚染と修復(日本土壌肥料学会2005年度大会プログラム)
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- ミノガによるサゴヤシの食害
- フィリピン・レイテ島・ドラグ地区におけるサゴ澱粉生産に関する収入解析
- Ammonium Nitrogen Releasing from Kaolin-Dominant Soil in Leyte of the Philippines
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- The influence of phosphate fertilizer application levels and cultivars on cadmium uptake by Komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis)(Fertilizers and soil amendments)