- 論文の詳細を見る
The main goal of community business is not profit but contribution toward regional revitalization. Can such a business attain its full growth as a business in Japan, where the citizenship is not matured enough? In this paper, two cases of Japanese community business give us the following suggestions as answers. In Japan, to make a community business succeed, two "relations" should be constructed on an ongoing basis. One "relation" is daily relations with familiar people in the same community. Another "relation" involves adhoc relations with various people in different communities. By the construction of these two relationships, the community business is achieved as a business. Thus we find that this type of community business is based on constructing relations. So this way of community business is suitable for Japanese society where human relations are important. Besides we find that citizenship can be developed through the growing process of such a community business.
- 2010-01-25
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