モンタナ州の高校における特殊教育 : 小都市及びインディアン居留地の学校区に焦点をあてて
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This study aims at identifying the present situation of special education in high schools in the state of Montana in the United States, with a particular focus on the geographical and social conditions inside the state. Montana, a state with seven Indian reservations, has declared "Indian Education for All". High schools in the Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS) and Hardin School District (HSD) were selected to clarify the situation in acity area and areas near an Indian Reservation respectively. Data were collected through school visits conductedin both 2005 and 2008 and from web sites of the related organizations. First, by analyzing the MCPS high schools, it was found that education was provided to all students in a single high school, through subdivided courses to serve various needs of students, and special education programs with the help of paraeducators. Additionally, courses to introduce disabilities to students without disabilities were described. Next, some unique teaching practices such as reading time for the whole school and a course of Crow language and Art with a reference to Indian culture in a high school in HSD were described. It was found that special education in a high school in HSD was conducted in accordance with the individual student's needs with assistance fromparaeducators, some of whom were Indians. Further research will be necessary to identify the content of courses of special education in these high schools.
- 2009-12-04
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