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This paper examines dietary intake over time. Subjects were 6 urban female university students aged 18-19. A diet survey was carried out 12 times between April 2008 and June 2009 at approximately monthly intervals. The subjects' body weight, height were measured and their body mass index(BMI)was calculated each time they filled in Food Frequency Questionnaire Watanabe 65(FFQW65)and recorded all the food they had during the past one month. The researchers processed the data and calculated the estimated energy intakes, the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate intakes. The estimated energy intakes were categorized and analyzed by food groups, total energy intakes per day, and the energy ingested at each meal. The data showed a significant reduction over time in average amounts of estimated total energy intake per day and estimated energy intake per meal. While the estimated energy intakes of grain, sugar, vegetables, sea food, oil and fat and miso declined significantly, estimated energy intakes of fruits and alcohol significantly increased. There was almost no change in the subjects' average BMI during the entire survey. These results suggest that the trend of dietary intake during the survey was toward lower energy intake. In addition, the subjects tended to shift toward more quick-cooking cheaper materials, and yet, within these limited conditions they tried to consume a more balanced diet. For example, they ate more fruit when their intake of vegetables declined.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2009-12-01
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