アリストテレス『倫理学』における自足性と友の必要性の問題 : EE.VII12とEN.IX9の比較を通じて(100集記念号)
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100集記念号はじめにI. EE.VII12(1244b1-1245b19) 導入部(1244b1-23) (1) アポリアの提出 (2) 反対意見 本論 : アポリアに対する反論(1244b21-1245b19) 反論A(1244b23-1245b11) (a) 反論のための予備的考察 (b) 反論 反論B(1245b12-19)II. EN.IX9(1169b3-1170b19) 導入部(1169b3-22) (1) 不要論 (2) 必要論 本論 : 第一の説(不要論)に対する反論(1169b22-1170b19) 反論(1) 幸福の概念よりする議論(1169b28-1170a12) 反論(2) いっそう自然学的な考察よりする議論(1170a13-b19) (a) 反論のための予備的考察 (b) 反論III. EE.VII12とEN.IX9の比較検討 (1) 人間において「生きること」は「認識すること」である(EE反論A(a),EN反論(2)(a)) (2) 友のあり方(EE反論A(b),EN反論(2)(b)) (3) 神との相似論(EE反論B)Why does a self-sufficient, virtuous man need friends? This paper tries to elucidate the difference between the Eudemian Ethics VII12 and the Nicomachean Ethics IX9, both concerning with that problem. In EE a friend, being another self, means one's resemblance. He is desirable and needed insofar as he is the object one knows and, thus, he contributes to one's self-knowing, which is the ultimate end. In EN a friend, being another self, means a person to whom one stands in the same relation as to oneself. He is desirable and needed as far as it is so, or nearly so, pleasant to perceive his well-being as it is to perceive one's own well-being. EE opposes its argument to an aporetical claim: friends are not needed since a self-sufficient man is likened to God. If this claim is true, EE argues, then a good man will know nothing whereas God knows nothing else than himself, for cognitive nature of human being cannot attain to self-knowledge without having known other things than itself, since it is 'potential'. The argument above is not found in EN. The reason, we suppose, is that the writer of EN will take the position to liken man's contemplative activity to God's one in his famous last book X.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- アリストテレス『倫理学』における自足性と友の必要性の問題 : EE.VII12とEN.IX9の比較を通じて(100集記念号)
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