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はじめにI. 真作における範疇記述 (1) 言語・言論レヴェルの範疇対比 (a) ποσαχώς λέγεται(どれだけの仕方で語られるか)と範疇 (b) praedicabiliaとpraedicamenta (2) 論理学レヴェルの範疇対比 : τὰ γένη κατηγοριών(述語の類)と範疇 (3) 存在論レヴェルの範疇対比 : 「存在」と範疇In this article, I assert the non-authenticity of the treatise Categories, attributed to Aristotle, by pointing to the theoretical inconsistencies of that treatise with Aristotle's doctrine of categories included in some of his authentic works : the Topics, the Sophistical Refutations, the Prior and Posterior Analytics, the Metaphysics. The article is divided into two parts ; in the first of which I concern myself with the author's doctrine of categories in his authentic treatises. I distinguish three levels of knowledge, linguistic, logical and ontological, in which the categories are opposed to, terms and forms (or parts) of speech, to predicables and to being, the most universal and trans-categorial predicate. I conclude that the categories are inter-categorial divisions of the predicate being and are intended to be predicated of all beings in order for these to be represented both in logical predication and in dialectical speech in conformity with the division of categories.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- アリストテレス『倫理学』における自足性と友の必要性の問題 : EE.VII12とEN.IX9の比較を通じて(100集記念号)
- プシューケーの定義とアクリル
- アリストテレスの範疇教説とCategoriae(II)
- アリストテレスの範疇教説とCategoriae(I)
- アリストテレスの論理学における転換性
- アリストテレス『範疇論』の真作性再考 : イザァク・フシクの真作論を駁す
- 西洋哲学倫理学史(1)古代・中世哲学
- 西洋哲学倫理学史 (1) 古代・中世哲学
- FURTH, M., Substance, Form and Psyche : an Aristotelean Metaphysics, Pp. xiv+300, Cambridge U. P., 1988, £30.
- SANDBACH, F. M., Aristotle and the Stoics. Supplementary Volume no. 10, The Cambridge Philological Society, Pp.xi+88, Cambridge University Press, 1985.
- O'DALY, Gerard J. P., Philosophy of the Self., Pp. 121, Irish University Press, Shannon, 1973.
- 古代・中世における自己認識の問題点
- アリストテレス,アヴィセンナ,トマス・アクィナスの霊魂論比較研究 : 邦文要旨(博士論文抜萃)
- 任意な範疇概念形式としてのプレデイカビリア
- プレデイカメンタとプレデイカビリアについて