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From ancient times an oyster has been known that it is extremely excellent nutritious food. In this paper first the oyster is explained about its histrical relation with a human being and its biological and nutritional meanings. Secondly it is described that the nutritious substances such as digestable glycogen, protein, amino acid and Zinc are effective for human health. Glycogen in oyster increases from late winter to early spring. Recently, it is reported that glycogen prevents cancer. Taurine is a kind of sulfur containing amino acid and is used as the medical treatment medicine. Furthermore it has been evaluated in the action that taurine increases HDL choresterol and reduces LDL cholesterol in blood. It is also reported that taurine reduces a thick head after alcohol drinking. Zinc is contained in the oyster in a extremely large amount among inorganic substances. If zinc is insufficient, impediment in a sense of taste and skin disease are apt to be brought out. Since it seems that sesamin contained in sesame and oyster extract are thought to decrease alcohol desease, we investigated their effects on alcohol drinking. Sugar coating tablet containing sesamin (5.5mg) and oyster extract (230mg) was given to 10 persons. They have 18 tablets every day for a week. Temperature of their face before and after taking tablets are measured by thermography after drinking wisky in the room controlled at 25℃. The effect of those tablet containing sesamin and oyster extract are recognized by difference (0.4℃) at maximum of elevated face temperature after drinking.
- 福山大学の論文
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