清代徽州の山林経営・紛争・宗族形成 : 祁門凌氏文書の研究
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The Ling lineage in Qimen county analysed in this paper was no more than an undistinguished small lineage that produced no gentry or large merchants at all and engaged in farming and the management of mountain forests. Ownership rights in the mountain forests had become fractionalized, being divided into shares, namely gufen, and earnings gained from forestry were apportioned according to the number of shares owned by each household. From the mid-18th century, with the expansion of domestic markets and the growth of overseas trade, the rural economy of Huizhou experienced unprecedented growth. The growth of an economy based on mountain forests also brought considerable wealth to the Ling lineage. Meanwhile, increasing population pressure and a growing scarcity of resources intensified competition and conflict within rural society. Under these circumstances, the Lings dared to pursue a lineage model as an important strategy to survive in the highly competitive local society. In the early 19th century, they employed a few poor peasants as tenant-bondservants [dian-bu], filed a major lawsuit against a local powerful lineage, formed an alliance through marriage with a lineage residing in the county seat, established common properties for the lineage and its branches, and agreed to the strict enforcement of footbinding on the women of the Ling. Both tenant-bondservants and footbinding were forms of cultural capital symbolic of elite lineages. The pursuit of a lineage model was highly strategic for small lineages such as the Lings. An ideal lineage model was an indispensable symbolic capital, and this kind of capital was essential even for non-elite descent groups.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2006-05-25
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- ゴーレス再考
- 岡美穂子著, 『商人と宣教師-南蛮貿易の世界-』, 東京大学出版会, 2010年11月, viii+382+ix頁, 8,600円+税
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