- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article, we will discuss aspects of dispute resolution in Hui-chou rural society and its effect on the integration of local descent groups by analysing the genealogy of the Wu (呉) lineage of Ming-chou (茗洲) village of Hin-ning (休寧) country (the Ming-chou Wu-shih chia-chi, 茗洲呉氏家記). Chapter 10 of this genealogy (She-hui chi, 社会記), records a series of disputes and lawsuits in which the lineage was involved. They concerned issues such as the ownership of flat or mountainous terrain, ancestral tombs, rural rites, marriages, tenant peasants, t'ien-p'u (佃僕, servants/tenants). Many of the disputes ocurred repeatedly between the Wus and other neighbouring descent groups; moreover, it was not unusual for civil disputes to escalate into rapacities or acts of violence, which might cause injuries. Some of the disputes were mediated at the local level; others went to the magistrate's court. But even lawsuits which went to court were frequently resolved by local mediators and settled without recourse to the magistrate's final judgement. In 1523, the Ch'u lineage of Chang-fang (長豊) village forcefully encroached the tomb of the Wu lineages' first ancestor. In order to recover the tomb, the Ming-chou branch of the lineage cooperated with other Wu branches to bring a joint charge against the Ch'us. They eventually won the lawsuit and were able to recover the tomb. After the lawsuit, all the branches came together to rebuild the first ancestor's ritual hall. They also compiled the genealogy of all the branches, and the Ming-chou Wu newly formulated rules of their lineage. In general, it can be concluded that intensified disputes and lawsuits involving different descent groups promoted the integration of common descent groups and the formation of higher-ordered lineages.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1996-11-25
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