- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between team leadership and teacher efficacy in school organizations. The object of this study is not individual leadership, but it is the leadership by the group (ex. top management team; TMT). The influence by the TMT is called team leadership. Study of the effect of team leadership is little, and the accumulation of the team leadership studies is expected. Otherwise, we made use of the three-dimensional theory composed by "collective efficacy" "team efficacy" "self efficacy" in the explanation of the teacher efficacy. We stood up in these two view points, and built a hypothesis pass model. A hypothesis model is composed of the following three points. (1) The influence which transformational team leadership exerts on a school's whole collective efficacy. (2) Relations between the collective efficacy and self efficacy. (3) The controlling factor of the self efficacy. Research objects are 1,008 classroom teachers at research cooperation school (56 public elementary schools) in A Prefecture. Questionnaires were sent to the inquiry target in October 2007. The collection rate was 63.3%. We cleared the following three points about the influence process from the team leadership to the self efficacy as a result of the analysis. (1) The transformational team leadership has the effect which raises a school whole collective efficacy. (2) The school whole collective efficacy doesn't exert a direct influence to the class level self efficacy. Both are connected by the grade team management or the team efficacy. (3) The team efficacy exerted powerful influence to the self efficacy, more than the teacher's teaching experience and the trust relationship with the parents. And, we refered to the practical suggestion and the future subject in the end of this paper.
- 2009-05-30
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