- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-09-30
山崎 貴史
安斎 裕
青木 善平
安斎 裕
中井 俊一
中井 俊一
山崎 貴史
中井 俊一
青木 善平
山崎 貴史
安斎 裕
青木 善平
三井金属鉱業(株) 総合研究所
安斎 裕
三井金属鉱業 (株) 電子材料研究所
安斎 裕
- 結晶育成時におけるCrイオン種のMg_2SiO_4結晶への取り込みおよび取り込まれたCrイオン種濃度の育成雰囲気中の酸素ガス分圧による変化(結晶成長を支える高温熱物性計測技術の進展)
- レーザー増幅用Cr添加Mg_2SiO_4単結晶の育成
- BaF_2単結晶のカラーセンター(機能性結晶I)
- 27a-E-10 アレキサンドライトの強磁場光スペクトル (II)
- 27a-E-9 アレキサンドライトの強磁場光スペクトル I
- Yb添加フッ化物単結晶の育成と評価 : バルク成長V
- BaF_2結晶の育成と光学特性 : バルク結晶成長III
- 原研におけるCPAレーザー用光学結晶の開発
- Cr添加フォルステライト単結晶の熱伝導特性 : バルク成長IV
- 23pA4 合成フォルステライトの格子欠陥(バルク成長V)
- Yb添加レーザー単結晶の光学特性
- CZ法で育成したフォルステライトの光学評価 : バルク成長III
- (6)Yb添加レーザー結晶
- フォルステライトの小信号利得
- Yb添加結晶の光学特性 2
- 波長可変固体レーザー
- フォルステライトレーザー
- Yb添加結晶の光学特性
- LiNbO_3の融液特性 : 融液成長I
- Sn不純物を含む銅電析皮膜のTEMならびにESCA観察
- 29a-A-4 多重散乱法によるNiOの酸素K吸収端のXANESの解析
- Electronic Structures of CeNi_2Al_5 and CeNiAl_4 Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- LiNbO_3融液物性の単結晶育成に与える影響 : 融液成長I
- Mechanical-Stress Induced Nd:YAG Active Quarter-Wave Plate
- Performance of Plasma Erosion Opening Switches in High Voltage Pulsed Power Compression
- Jet Formation and Application for Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Experimental Study of Alternative Implosion Concepts for Particle Beam ICF
- Performance of a Diverged Electron Beam Ion Diode
- Characteristics of Transported Ion Beam in Laser-Initiated Plasma Channels
- CO_2 Laser Guided Plasma Channel for Light Ion Beam Transport
- Momentum Transfer and Related Interaction Phenomena of a High Power CO_2 Laser
- Resonant 2p → 3d Photoemission Measurement of MPS_3 (M=Mn,Fe,Ni)"
- Phosphorus K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Ca_3(PO-4)_2,CaHPO_4・2H_O,Ca (H_2PO_4)_2・H_2O and Ca (H_2PO_2)_2
- A New Constant Deviation Monochromator for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
- High-Resolution Penumbral Imaging of 14-MeV Neutrons
- Observation of Burn and Pusher Regions of Laser-Driven Large-High-Aspect-Ratio Target by α-Particle Imaging
- Performance of Radial Focus Applied-B Ion Diode on a Coaxial Pulse Power Machine
- New Scheme of Cannonball Target Driven by Ion Beam
- Light Ion Beam Transport in a Multi-Plasma Channel System
- Characteristics of Intense Ion Beam in Pinch Reflex Diode
- Study of Double Foil Acceleration by Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Irradiation
- Determination of Energies of Intense Light Ion Beams by the Boron-Nitride Nuclear Activation Method
- Ablative Acceleration of Thin Foil Targets by Intense Proton Beams
- Generation and Focusing of Intense Ion Beams in Pinch-Reflex Diode
- Enhancement of the Ion Current Density in Magnetically Insulated Ion Diodes
- Production of Ion Beams in Pinched-Electron-Beam Diode
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
- Proof of Principle Experiments for Compton Scattering of a Stored Photon in a Supercavity
- The Interaction between Intense Electron Beam and Plasma
- The Behavior of Plasma Produced by the Intense Electron Beam
- Development of HALNA DPSSL for the inertial fusion energy
- Diode-Pumped Glass Laser (10J x 10Hz) Development
- Quasi-CW 110kW AlGaAs Laser Diode Array Module for Inertial Fusion Energy Laser Driver : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Design and Performance of a Diode-Pumped Nd:Silica-Phosphate Glass Zig-Zag Slab Laser Amplffier for Inertial Fusion Energy : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Thermal- and Spectral-Characteristics of High-Power Quasi-Continuous Wave 940-nm InGaAs Diode Laser Arrays
- Bandwidth Narrowing of an All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System
- Conceptual Design Studies of a Laser Diode Pumped Solid State Laser System for the Laser Fusion Reactor Driver
- A Split-Disk Geometry Glass Laser Amplifier
- Thermal Birefringence Effect on the Performance of a Laser-Diode Pumped Solid-State Laser
- Temperature Dependence of Emission Cross-section of Yb:glass
- High-Sensitivity Two-Dimensional Observation of Thermal Birefringence Compensation in Laser-Diode Pumped Nd:Glass Laser Rods
- Numerical Studies on Parameters for Stable Adiabatic Inversion by Gaussian and Square Pulses
- Measurement of Dipole Matrix Element of Atomic Gd Transitions using Rabi Flopping
- Ar-O_2混合ガス雰囲気下でSiO_2/Al_2O_3基板上に作製されたPt/Ti薄膜の組織と抵抗温度係数の改善
- 種々の雰囲気下で熱処理した Pt/Ti/SiO_2/Al_2O_3 多層膜の組織と抵抗温度係数
- F-K XANES Studies of Alkali Fluorides
- F-K XANES Studies of Alkaline-Earth Fluorides
- 軟X線分光の最近の発展
- Short-Range-Order Full Multiple Scattering Approach to the Fluorine K-Edge XANES of MnF_2
- Pellet Gain Optimization of Particle Beam Fusion with Au Shell and DT Fuel Target
- Computer Simulation of Nonlinear Propagation Characteristics of CO_2 Laser Pulse
- Harmonics of Thomson Backscattered X-Rays
- Analysis of Laser Beam Propagation Effects in Atomic Laser Isotope Separation
- Parametric Studies on the Laser-Diode-Pumped, Thermal-Lensing-Compensated, Mode-Locked, Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser
- New Potential of a Direct Laser-Diode-Pumped Yb:YAG Laser
- Anamorphic Focusing Optical System for Laser-Diode-Array
- A Simple Method for Measurement of Wavelength Chirping of a High-Peak-Power Laser Diode Array during Pulsed Operation
- Design of Modified Wiggler for Higher Harmonic Lasing of Free Electron Laser
- Simultaneous Double Band Oscillation in a Helical-Pin CO_2-Laser
- 波長可変固体レ-ザ-結晶
- Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Silver Chloride and Thallous Chloride
- 7p-M-14 Co-側Co-V合金の状態図 I X線・電気抵抗.磁気測定
- Multiplet Structures in the L_ Absorption Spectra of 3d Transition-Metal Fluorides
- Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Some Metal Chlorides
- 波長可変固体レーザ
- Fundamental Studies on One-Dimensional Cannonball Targets at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in One-Dimensional Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Core Exciton Absorption in Sodium Halides
- Super High Voltage System for Ion Beam Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Ultrahigh Pulsed Magnetic Field Produced by a CO_2 Laser
- Implosion Property of Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in Spherical Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Measurements of Intensity Scaling of Ablation Pressure at 10.6 μm and 1.05 μm Laser Wavelengths
- Measurements of Ablation Pressure and Mass Ablation Rate Using a Target Pendulum and a Thin Foil Target at 10 μm Laser Wavelength
- Study of Thermal Smoothing by Shock Speed Measurement
- Pulse Power Compression by Fast Opening Switch
- Neutrons and Protons Production Due to the Interaction between Intense Electron Beam and the Target
- Target Heating by an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
- Implosion Efficiency of Light Ion Beam Driven Target