- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1960, The writers found some peculiar shaped sandpipes from the Toikanbetsu formation (Pliocene) cropped out along the river cliff of the Kenashiporo-sawa, a tributary of the Toikanbetsu river, Horonobe-machi, Teshio province, Hokkaido. These sandpipes may be regarded to be the remains of burrows made by sub family Scopimerinae (Bubbler crabs), genus Callianassae (ghost shrimps), subfamily Sesarminae (reed crabs) and genus Upogebinae (blue mud shrimps). According to the classification method of the Trace Fossils based upon ecological principles was proposed by Seilacher (1953). 1. Burrowing fossils of Scopimerinae (Pl. 1, fig. 1) and Sesarminae (Pl. 2, fig. 2 & 3) belong to Domichnia (dwelling burrows). 2. Burrowing fossils of Callianassae (Pl. 1, fig. 3 & 4) and Upogebinae (Pl. 2, fig. 3,4, 5&6) belongto Fodinichnia (feeding burrows).
- 1966-03-30
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