On the late Pleistocene periglacial phenomena and their stratigraphical positions in the Tokachi plain, Hokkaido (1)
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In the Tokachi plain of the south-eastern Hokkaido, some buried periglacial phenomena, that is, earth mounds, patterned grounds and involutions were found in places by the studies of the Tokachi Research Group, including the authors themselves.By ascertaining the stratigraphical relation among, several pumice falls, loam and gravel deposits in which those phenomena come into existence, six perigalcial phases have been detected, one of which is in the post glacial age and the other five are in the last glacial age.In this area, detected were two phases of buried sand dunes, constructed by some reworked pyroclastic deposits under the cold and arid conditions having poor vegetation, by M. Kimura et al.Considering these buried sand dunes, the phenomena suggesting the epochs of cold climate in this plain are analysed stratigraphically as follows.
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- On the late Pleistocene periglacial phenomena and their stratigraphical positions in the Tokachi plain, Hokkaido (1)