アカマツ中林形作業法応用試験 : 〔2〕下木広葉樹の材積表作製
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The purpose of this report is the preparation and the consideration of the method of preparation of the volume table which shows the total volume, the stem volume, and the branch percentage of the underwood (hardwood) of the middle forest system of AKAMATSU. A two-variable volume table which is expressed as the function of the basal area was adopted. The hardwoods were classified into two, the evergreen- and the deciduous-hardwoods, and on testing the significant difference between their volumes, it is recognized that the stem volumes do not show any significant difference but the other two show significant differences. Therefore, the evergreen-hardwood volume table can be separated from the deciduous-hardwood volume table. Comparing this volume table with the Kumamoto Regional Forestry Office's volume table, significant difference is recognized between the two. Therefore, when research is made into the volume of the underwood (hardwood) of the middle forest system, the Kumamoto Regional Office's volume table should not be used. The relation of the branch percentage to d. b. h. is shown as a hyperbola. This curve shows bad fitness for 10 cm d. b. h. and over, but good fitness for 8cm d. b. h. and under. Since the underwood (hardwood) of the middle forest system is used as fuelwood and the diameter is ordinarily under 8 cm, this branch percentage may be used practically.I 緒言 II 資料 III 方法および数値的結果 IV 結言
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