- 論文の詳細を見る
Clear-cutting in alternate blocks system is fit for the improving method of the inferior stands in which the soil formation is complicated and the climatic conditions are unfavorable. The main points of the typical working system are as follows: (1) The regulation period (a) is set up as one half of the rotation for the stands which need improvement in the working-section. (2)Each compartment is divided into some small blocks (f ha.) mainly by site. (3) These blocks are divided into different periods and the difference of stand-age is kept at a/2 years respectively, and the blocks are named regeneration-area (clearing stand) and shelter-area (reserved stand) respectively. (4) Generally, annual yield is estimated by the area allotment method which uses the regulation period (a). (5) The area allotment method will be by the rotation instead of the regulation period, after the regulation period is over. (6) Beforehand, each block is divided into one half area, and heavy thinning must be repeated alternately on the half blocks for the purpose of accelerating the growth in thickness. (7) These half blocks are also divided into different periods respectively. (8)As a rule, one renegeration-area is surrounded by shelter-areas which differ in stand-age more than a/2 years. The aforementioned working-section was set up at Kyushu University forest in Hokkaido. Namely, clear-cutting in alternate blocks system with the rotation of 80 years and the regulation period of 40 years was set up for the inferior stand of Japanese oaks. On each site of the blocks, Japanese larch, hemlock, and fir were planted on the cutting area. The 15th compartment was treated by this system in 1952. The mean area of the blocks was 6 ha. in consideration of the soil formation and growing stock. One kiln was erected for a block to make charcoal after cutting off the logs. In this report, the authors described the way to divide the blocks, to measure the standing crops, to select the site of kiln, etc.緒言 I 交互区劃皆伐作業の基本的施業法 II 交互区劃皆伐作業の実施例 1. 地況 2. 林況 3. 製炭関係事項調査 4. 伐区面積の決定 5. 伐区設定方法 6. 保護樹帯 7. 立木調査 8. 築窯位置の選定 9. 本作業実行に対する注意 摘要
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