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This thesis aims to certify when the two Buddhistic Relics at Dal'verzin-tepa in Uzbekistan worked as temples. 1. There is a resemblance of a cap form between a statue of a royal youth who is wearing a triangular cap decorated with smaller circular figures (fig. 1),which was excavated at Dal'verzin-tepa DT I, and a picture of a king with a cap on (fig. 3), which is drawn on each coin issued by the kings, Vasudeva I and II of the Kushan kingdom in the 3rd century A.D. And the same style of a king with a triangular cap on was succeeded to the post-Kushan (fig. 4 ) ,Kushano Sasan (fig. 5) and Kidara Kushan (fig. 6 ) in the central Asia,that is, from the 3rd to the 5th century A.D. Therefore, the relics at Dal'verzin-tepa DT 1 is presumed to have worked as a temple from the 3rd to the 5th century A.D. 2. The two Buddha heads (fig. 7), which were found out at Dal'verzin-tepa DT 25,have a feature of Buddha's hair style named Rahotsu. Generally speaking, it is estimated that the Buddha's hair style with Rahotsu (fig. 9) appeared later than Buddha's hair style without Rahotsu (fig. 8). This transition of the hair style can be proved with the Chinese Sutras. And moreover, a clay hand of a Buddha statue which is grasping a reddish brown robe (fig. 14) .which was excavated at Dal'verzin-tepa DT 25,is presumed to have been made in the Gupta period, that is, after the 4th century A.D. Accordingly, both the Buddha's heads and palm at Dal'verzin-tepa DT 25 (fig. 7 and 14) show the full mode of the Buddha statues made after the 4th century A.D. On the other hand, any Buddha's head with Rahotsu was not able to be found out at Dal'verzin-tepa DT 1 . The fact, therefore, shows that the relics, DT 25 started working as a temple later than the DT 1 . 3. There is a big river, the Amudarya in the central Asia. It was once called the Wehrodh or the Behrodh in the Sasan Dynasty period, that is, from the 4th to the 5th century A.D. According to the Chinese historical text Wei-Shu, there is a big river called Han-Luo-He running westward in Tokhara in the central Asia. In this point there is a resemblance of the pronunciation between [ro] in the Wehrodh pronounced in the Sasan Dynasty period and [lo] in Han-Luo-He in Wei-Shu. Accordingly, those two rivers can be regarded as the same one. The text Wei-Shu says that a country, Tokhara which was ruled by Kidara Kushan, was located between Bamiyan and Samarqand. And Dal'verzin-tepa was also situated in the same area. Since Dal'verzin-tepa is located near the Amudarya, Dal'verzin-tepa could be considered to be a city in Tokhara ruled by Kidara Kushan. 4. Kidara Kushan was destroyed by the tribe of Ephtalitai in the middle of the 5th century A.D. It is said that the customs of Ephtalitai are unique. For example, a turn down right collar of their coat (fig. 16) can be seen in the wall paintings at Bararik-tepa (fig. 17) and Bamiyan. Another example is a Buddha statue with a shawl, which can be seen at Bamiyan (fig. 19) and at Kashmir in Turkut (fig. 20). But any Buddha statue with a shawl can not be found out at Dal'verzin-tepa. Therefore, the date when both of the Dal' verzin-tepa relics DT1 and DT25 worked as a temple is presumed to bo before the invasion of Ephtalitai, that is, in the middle of the 5th century A.D.
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