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This paper aims to certify the date of the stone rerief tomb of Cang-shan, 蒼山, Shan-dong 山東 province. The tomb is graved a inscription dated the first year of the name of Yuan-jia 元嘉. So, the date will be applied the year of 151 A.D. or 424 A.D. After examination of the problems of the tomb, I concluded the tomb date at 424 A.D.. The reasons of this conclusion are following nine points. 1. The rhymes of the inscription can be seen in the poems of the days extending from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. 2. The style of calligraphy, which has been seen in the inscription, does not always follow to the style of Han Dynasty. 3. The official title of Dou-du 都督, and the sheep vehicle 羊車, which have been written on the inscription, are both well known in the society of the South Dynasties. 4. The reliefs of the tomb are well corresponded with the inscription. 5. A box of china named Tao-ge 陶〓, which has been buried in the tomb, can be seen also in the tombs of the South Dynasties. 6. If the inscription had been made at 151 A.D., there should have been taken place some contradictions about the buried things and the funeral. 7. The style of this tomb is befitting in the days of South Dynasties. 8. The geographical background of the tomb is also befitting in the days of South Song Dynasty. 9. One carrigraphy named Xian 〓, which has been seen in the inscription, limits the upper date of the tomb to under Han Dynasty.
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