- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, the Land Survey (Rikuti-Sokuryoubu), the government topographic mapping organization was founded in 1888, presumably modelling itself upon the Land Survey of the Prussian Kingdom (Koniglich PreuBische Landesaufnahme), judging from the similarity of the names of the two organizations, compared with the Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom or the Service Geographique de l'Armee in France. The influence of the German topographic surveying and mapping was strong in those in Japan from the late 1880s until the Second World War. This paper reports about the modern cartography, the modern topographic surveying and mapping in the Prussian Kingdom which was born substantially in 1701, and disappeared with the German Empire in 1918. In 1700, the Prussian Academy of Science was created in Berlin. Though the geodetic trigonometric network was not established, maps for practical uses were drawn manually, such as the map for land and river improvement of the Oder shown in Fig.l and the topographic map for Potsdam shown in Fig.2, during the 18th century in the Prussian Kingdom. In 1805, Koniglich PreuBische Statistische Bureau was created to unify the national statistics and calculate the land areas in cooperation with the army. But the works were not carried out smoothly because of wars. In 1816, the works of land surveying in all the Prussian Kingdom was transfered from the Statistic Bureau to the Army General Staff Office which had a surveying division composed of Astronomic Trigonometric Section and Surveying and Mapping Section. From 1822, the officers in the Army General Staff Office were engaged in the topographic mapping with the plane table, based on the trigonometric network, and drew topographic maps at 1 : 25,000 in accordance with the rules by General Muffling, the head of the Surveying Division, etc. as shown for eastern Berlin in Fig.3. In 1875, the Land Survey of the Prussian Kingdom was founded following the proposition of H. v. Moltke, the Chief of the Army General Staff Office. It was composed of Trigonometric Section, Topographic Section and Drawing Section at first, and Photogrammetric Section was added in 1912. The main works of the Land Survey were trigonometric survey, levelling, topographic mapping at 1 : 25,000 and 1 : 100,000 scales of the whole territory and mapping of its territory and surrounding regions at smaller scales, such as 1 : 200,000, 1 : 300,000, 1 : 800,000, and so on. Some map examples are shown for Berlin in Figs.4 to 6. After the Prussian Kingdom diappeard in 1918, the Land Survey of the Prussian Kingdom was transfered to the Ministry of the Interior in 1919, and transformed to the Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme (National Bureau for Land Survey) as a civil organization under the Ministry of the Interior, the German Republic in 1921.
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