網状織内被細胞系統機能ニ關スル研究補遺 : 第1編 綱状織内被細胞系統機能檢査法ニ關スル研究(Adler und Reimann氏Kongorot檢査法ノ吟味)
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It is obvious that the retuculo-endothelial system plays an important part in the vital functions and therefore repuires to be meticulously investigated. Several different methods for examining the function of this system have been advocated, but Adler u. Reimann's Congo-red method (1925) is perhaps the best. It is very simple and easy to use, and skill makes it possible to keep the result almost free from experimental error, so that it is now widely employed to examine the function of this system. The principal point of this method is that it claims to give information about the function of this system by the concentration of the coloring solution in the blood a certain period after the injection into the blood circulation. It seems to be necessary, therefore, to investigate again. whether this method can really elucidate the function of this system alone, as Adler u. Reimann and others state. The present author made experiments with the various factors which might influence the pigment coefficient, for instance, the age, sex, the amount of the pigment, the time when blood is taken, the setting of the binding, venesection, etc., were examined. Then the horary relation of the concentration of colors in blood serum after their injection, the pigment coefficient after the injection of Chinese ink, the state in which the dye is discharged from the liver and kidneys, and other items were investigated. Finally, the pigment coefficient obtained when all the biliary ducts were ligated was studied, and the following conclusions were reached. 1) When a solution of acid diazo-Congo-red was injected into the blood circulation of rabbits, the color was absorbed by the organs of the reticulo-end-othelial system. 2) 1% Congo-red solution was injected into normal mature rabbit at the rate of 1c.c. per kg. of body weight to find the Congo-red index. The range of from 35,0% to 55,0% was found to be the physiological limit for this animal and no deviation due to sex was found. 3) It was recognized that in immature rabbits the ability to discharge the colors was generally higher than in mature ones. 4) The quantity of the Congo-red solution injected had some effect upon the index. 5) In finding the index, more or less change in the time when the blood was taken had no marked effect on its value. 6) The function of this system was disturbed by such factors as the setting of the binding, venesection, etc., the pigment coefficient becoming larger. 7) The concentration in the blood serum of the Congo-red solution injected into the blood circulation of the normal rabbit, diminished logarithmically with the lapse of time, and it could be shown by the experimental logarithmic curve formula Y=ae^<bx> 8) When a great deal of Chinese ink was injected into the blood circulation of rabbits, the granules of the ink were recognized in abundance in the organs of the reticulo-endothelial system. The condition in which the granules were deposited varied according to the time that elapsed after the injection of the ink. 9) When the function of this system was previously disturbed by injection of a large amount of Chinese ink into the rabbit (blockade), the Congo-red index was heightened, but returned to normal within a short time; but when small quantities of the ink were successively injected, in general, the index showed a tendency to diminish in its value. 10) The Congo-red solution injected into the blood circulation of the normal rabbit was discharged from the liver, and the discharge from the kidney was so slight as to be rudimental. 11) The excretion of the dye from the liver was depressed (slowed) for a short time when the R.E.S. was blockaded with a large quantity of Chinese ink as compared with the normal time. 12) When all the biliary ducts of the rabbit were ligated, the Congo-red index showed a very high value, but when the biliary ducts were ligated after a great deal of ink had been injected, the index value markedly decreased. From the above experimental results, it was recognized that the Congo-red method of Adler u. Reimann makes it possible to get a certain amount of information about the function of the reticuloendothelial system in rabbits as well as in other animals.
- 京都府立医科大学の論文
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