網状織内被細胞系統機能ニ關スル研究補遺 : 第3編 網状織内被細胞系統機能ノ血液内乳酸あせとあるでひーど並ニ總あせとん體量ニ及ボス影響
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It is a well-known fact that the R.E.S. has a close connection with the internal metabolism, that is to say, it connection with the metabolism of carbohydrate, albumen and fat, has been proved by the investigations of many authorities; but unfortunately they have not yet come to any definite agreement on it. The purpose of the present experiment was to find out what relation there is between the function of the R.E.S. and the amount of lactic acid, acetaldehyd, and total acetone, which are known as the stroma for metabolism. To that end, we investigated, in the following cases, the rise and fall in the amount of lactic acid, acetaldehyd, and total acetone in the blood. 1) when a large amount of Indian ink was intravenously injected in order to depress the function of the R.E.S. 2) when the spleen was taken away. 3) when toluylendiamin was subcutaneously injected. The results of the experiment may be summarized as follows: 1) On the intravenous injection of a large amount of Indian ink into rabbits, the function of the R.E.S. was depressed for a little while, and an increase of lactic acid, and of total acetone in the blood and a decrease of acetaldehyd were found. 2) After the continuous injection of small amounts of Indian ink into the veins of the rabbits, we found that the lactic acid in the blood decreased for a short time and acetaldehyd seemed to be increased, and also it was recognized that there was no great change in the amount of the total acetone. However these blood elements resumed their normal condition 24 hours after the injection of the Indian ink. 3) On the extirpation of the spleen of the rabbit, it was fonnd that the amount of lactic acid and total acetone in the blood had increased a few days after the operation and that the acetaldehyd had decreased. They all returned almost to their normal condition, however, 3 weeks after the operation. 4) On the intravenous injection of a large amount of Indian ink soon after the extirpation of the spleen, we recognized, in comparison with the results obtained after simple extirpation of the spleen, an increase in the lactic acid and total acetone, and a conspicuous decrease in the acetaldehyd. 5) On the subcutaneous injection of toluylendiamin into rabbits, we recognized an increase in the lactic acid and total acetone in the blood, and a decrease in the acetaldehyd. It may be concluded from the above experimental date that the function of the R.E.S. may have some connection with the metabolism of the stroma.
- 京都府立医科大学の論文
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