- 論文の詳細を見る
N-S and ENE-WSW trending fault systems develop in the Shikaribetsu district. The following three phases of tectonic movement are recognized; 1. N-S trending sinistral strike-slip movement (?), inferred from the minor structure around the faults in the Hidaka Supergroup, 2. N-S trending reverse movement with dextral strike-slip, inferred from the minor structures around the faults in the Kamishiyubetsu Formation, the displacement of the Kamishiyubetsu Formation, the direction of the principal stress estimated from the conjugate set of shear fractures in the conglomerate of the Kamishiyubetsu Formation and from the direction of clastic dykes developing in the Eocene Yuyanbetsu Formation, 3. ENE-WSW trending reverse movement with dextral strike-slip, inferred from the minor structures around the faults in the Hidaka Supergroup and from the displacement of the Kamishiyubetsu Formation and the Pishikachinai Fault. The first movement might have taken place during the period from Cretaceous to Eocene, while the second one occurred during Middle Miocene age. The third one is considered to have started since Late Miocene age. During the second movement, the sense of movement might have changed from transform or transtension to transpression and the distrit was uplifted. These strike-slip or reverse movement along N-S trending faults occurred through the Hidaka Belt during Middle Miocene age.
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