阿武隈山地の"越代(こしだい)-高帽山(たかぼうやま)-大雄院(だいおういん)構造帯"の研究 : その2. 藍晶石・珪線石・紅柱石・コランダムの共存斑状変晶を多産するフレック片麻岩
- 論文の詳細を見る
Typical fecky gneisses with a very peculiar structure, with a lot of porphyroblasts consisting of Al_2SiO_5 polymorphs formed in relation to the diaphthoresis described in the previous paper (WATANABE et al., 1978), were found by the present authors in the Oinudaira and Shinden areas, Tabito Town, Iwaki City, located along the "Koshidai-Takaboyama-Daioh・in" structural belt. Flecks are small scale metamorphic differentiation structures characterized by dark core (melanosome) consisting of alumosilicate polymorphs plus magnesiosilicates, surrounded by granitic mantle (leucosome or leucorim). Melanosome is composed mainly of kyanite, sillimanite, mullite, andalusite, corundum, cordierite, anthophyllite and green biotite. Leucosome, on the contrary, consists of quartz, oligoclase, potash feldspar, muscovite and biotite. Such mineral segregations formed by metamorphic differentiation are important source of information on diffusion processes in metamorphism, namely K, Na and Si migrate from core to manite, whereas AI, Mg and Fe from mantle to core. Theories concerning the fleck development mainly fall into two categories: (1) metamorphic differentiation of a previous homogeneous material within internal system, and (2) porphyroblastic growth under ionic migration with hydrous vapour from external system and succeeding alteration of alumo-silicate polymorphs and cordierite. "Flecky gneiss problem" is very important for studying a metasomatic migration of such ions (basification into front zone of anatexis area and leaching product of granitic component, vice versa) and ionic activities through granitization process, as cited by SVENONIUS (1907, 1917), GEIJER (1923), MAGNUSSON (1925), BACKLUND (1936), HJELMQVIST (1942), DURIETZ (1949), BERGSTROM (1959), LOBERG (1963), MEHNERT (1968), RUSSELL (1969), FISCHER (19 70), KRESTEN (1971) and DAHL (1972). As far as the geological evidence in environs shed light on, it may be concluded that the flecky gneiss--a kind of retrograde metamorphics (diaphthorite, strictly speaking) originated from high-grade gneisses belonging to the former episode, which is the Takanuki metamorphics--was metasomatically formed together with fleck development connected with migmatization of the subsequent stage of the Abean orogenic movement (MINATo et al., in press), and that the rock was upheaved as the allochthonous uplifting bodies with "Schuppen" structure, along the belt. This is a preliminary article on flecky gneiss and brief introduction to the significance. The detailed description of the rock will be given in a forthcoming paper.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1979-11-25
渡辺 順
井口 隆
内山 幸二
高畑 裕之
嶋岡 博
内山 幸二
町田 隆史
嶋岡 博
町田 隆史
高畑 裕之
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