- 論文の詳細を見る
The Ryoke granitic and metamorphic rocks are found in the northern half of Awaji-shima. The Ryoke granitic rocks can be divided into three rock-masses by their petrological characters: they are called the Shizuki granodiorite, the Myojin granite and the Sumoto granodiorite in order of emplacement from older to younger. The Shizuki granodiorite is surrounded by the Myojin granite that is also surrounded by the Suraoto granodiorite, as shown in the geological map. The larger part of the Shizuki granodiorite mass is characterized by gneissose structure due to parallel arrangement of biotite and hornblende. The gneissose structure is distinct in the southern part of the gradiorite mass, but it becomes indiscernible in the northern part. Gneisses derived from sediments are found enclosed only in the southern part of the mass, where the other metamorphic rocks are also enclosed. The mineral assemblage of these metamorphic rocks found in the granodiorite mass may correspond to the middle to high-grade part of the amphibolite facies. The Shizuki granodiorite suffered contact metamorphism genetically related to the Myojin granite. The Myojin granite shows also gneissose structure characterized by parallel arrangement of porphyroblasts of K-feldspar, which is distinctive in the southern part of the granite mass. The fieldevidences suggest the successive emplacement of the Sumoto granodiorite after that of the Myojin granite. Metamorphic rocks or xenoliths in the two granitic rock-masses may show the mineral assemblage corresponding to that of low (to middle)-grade part of the amphibolite facies. Through correlation of petrological characters of the Ryoke granitic rocks in Awaji-shima with those in the adjacent areas such as the Yamato plateau, Shodo-shima (Shodo Island) and the Yanai district, it was concluded that the Shizuki granodiorite and the Myojin granite-Sumoto granodiorite belong to the older and the younger granite in the Ryoke zone, respectively.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1968-01-25
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